Punching superheroes

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It was now the next day. Peter sat on the roof top of a building near the tower. He sat with his mask off and look at the busy streets below.

"You're Trying to find the girl aren't you?" Bucky said walking up behind him.

"Why are you following me?" Peter asked startled to see Bucky.

"The tower got boring." Was all he said.

"And also no I'm not looking for that girl. I don't even remember what she looks like." Peter said.

"Short, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sweet personality?" Bucky asked.

"Ok how could you possibly know that?" Peter asked.

"You know it's not cool to have a journal. I mean it's real cute but at least hide it better." Bucky said.

"It's not a journal.....it's a notebook that I write random things in." Peter said.

"So a journal?"

"Stop it! Look you and Mr. Stark don't believe me but I really have a feeling there is something up with that girl." Peter said.

"Awe Peter has a crush." Bucky said.

"Ok I'm done here. I'm going to prove it to you one way or another." Peter said putting on his mask and flew off.

Meanwhile Charlotte was on her way to the coffee shop that her and the other two girls always met up at. She stopped to tie her shoe when someone landed in front of her.

"Can I ask you a favor civilian?" Peter asked in the manliest voice her could and tried to stand cool.

"Oh man spider has returned." Charlotte said standing up.

"Spider-Man, And will you?" He asked.

"Sure what is it?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Punch me." He said opening his arms.

"Um......what?" Charlotte asked confused.

"Don't question it come on, give me all you got. Right here in the stomach let's go." He said looking up.

"Ok...." she said and punched him so hard he flew onto his back.

"Are you ok?" Charlotte asked trying not to laugh.

"Oh...yeah...I'm perfect...thank you civilian...but I'm good" he said in pain on the ground still trying to play it off cool.

"Are you sure? You look like your in pain." Charlotte said.

"No I'm good, didn't even hurt. I'll see you around random civilian." He said still on the ground.

"Ok then, have a nice day spidey." She said stepping over him.

"You too." He said and dropped his arm back onto the ground.

"Ok my day has started off strange." Charlotte said entering the coffee shop and sitting with the other girls.

"Why what happened to char char?" Danielle asked.

"Ok first off never call me that again, and I literally punched a superhero in the stomach, and hurt him...." Charlotte said confused.

"Oh my god Charlotte I get you find it fun to friend zone people but did you really have to punch him? Who knows how old he is, he is probably precious and needs to be protected at all costs!" Mia said.

"But he wanted me to!" Charlotte said.

Back at the tower peter walked in holding his gut hunched over.

"Woah kid what happened? What part of friendly neighborhood Spider-Man don't you understand?" Tony asked rushing over to him.

"What if it happened in the friendly neighborhood.......ok that didn't make sense but you know what I mean." He said in pain.

"Wow she really messed you up."  Bucky said passing by.

"Is this that stupid girl again? What did she do?" Tony asked.

"She punched me....in my gut." He said through his teeth.

"Why would She do that? Please tell me you weren't stalking her." Tony sighed.

"Because I told her to." He said looking up for the first time.

"Oh, is this a weird kink thing you have?" Bucky asked.

"Bucky not now, it looks like she hit you with a truck." Tony said.

"Last thing, look at him, is it really surprising that a random girl did this?" Bucky asked. Peter glared at him still hunched over. Bucky smiled and walked away.

"Come on kid let's fix you up." Tony said.

"Would you both shut up. What if he is like 40?" Charlotte said.

"Oh well I still think it is going to happen." Danielle said taking a sip of her coffee.

"You don't even know what he looks like, he could be badly burned or an actual spider." Charlotte said.

"Since when is it about looks Char?" Danielle asked.

"It would be pretty cool if he was a spider, you know like in that one movie..." Charlotte began but the two girls glared at her. "Never mind." She said and looked down.

"Anyhow what if he is like really attractive and your age?" Mia asked.

"What is the chance of that? What about you? Let's talk about your love life." Charlotte said.

"What love life? You are the only one who has a chance-"

"With a spider." Charlotte interrupted.

"Ok stop being a nerd and accept that a nerd superhero might have a crush on you." Danielle said.

"Oh look, there goes iron man." Danielle said.

"How are you so calm? I'm going to see." Mia said running out of the shop.

"We should make sure she doesn't die." Charlotte said and walked out. Danielle groaned and dragged her feet outside.

"I wonder what he is doing." Mia asked.

"He's not saving anyone, can we go now?" Danielle asked.

"What would you do if he knew who you were?" Mia asked.

"I would be perfectly fine come on my coffee is getting cold." Danielle said.

"Wait He is coming this way!"
Mia said.

"You short girl blonde hair blue eyes." He said landing in front of the three girls.

"Yes?" Charlotte asked confused.

"Have you come in contact with Spider-Man recently?" He asked.

"Yes...." She said suspicious of what was happening.

"I'm going to need you to come with me, and you taller girl you too." He said.

"Me? Why me? She is the one who punched him." Mia said.

"Don't question it, let's go." He said.

"What about Danielle?" Charlotte asked.

"Oh girl with curly hair, yeah you too." He said.

"This day keeps getting better and better." Danielle sighed.

"Let's go." He said.

"Ok but where are we going?" Charlotte asked.

"The avengers tower."

*new chapter yay still don't know how this book is going to work out so hopefully you liked it and sorry for any typos.*

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