The freakouts return

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Everyone sat at the dinner table silently. Tony slowly looked around at everyone. This was the first time peter and Charlotte were in the same room. Steve ate quietly and didn't look at anyone. Danielle was ready to explode as she kept looking at Steve. Bucky noticed and tried to get her attention. Oh When he did he tried to say don't do anything stupid but clearly she didn't get the message. Finally Steve looked up and made eye contact with her. She stood up and slammed her fork onto her plate causing everyone to jump. She walked over and back handed him across the face and stormed out. Everyone looked at each other confused. Bucky stood up and walked and slammed the door on his way out.

"What the hell was that about?" Bucky asked fed up walking onto the porch.

"I'm sorry but I'm not just going to pretend that I'm ok with all of this." Danielle said turning around.

"So you just decided to hit him? Don't you think that's a little extreme?" Bucky asked his voice becoming louder.

"I saw peter and he kept looking at Charlotte and he looked awful. I can't just let Steve make a move after Charlotte just got out of a relationship. I mean come on that's not right." Danielle said.

"But this isn't up to you! If Charlotte is happy that's what matters." Bucky yelled.

"You know what I'm done talking about this. I know what I did was wrong, end of story." Danielle said turning back around.

"Well I'm going to go back inside and make sure everyone is ok." Bucky said and stormed back into the house.

"Well I'd say dinner is over." Tony said picking up his plate.

"Was not expecting that." Steve said.

"I'm going back upstairs before this gets any worse." Peter said softly.

"Peter sit down you need to be here for this." Bucky ordered walking into the kitchen.

"Does someone want to tell me why I just got slapped by a 5'3 little ball of anger?" Steve asked.

"Charlotte...." Bucky sighed.

"Yeah I'll go." She sighed and limped out of the room.

"Ok what the hell Bucky." Tony asked. "What is happening here?" Tony asked becoming fed up.

"Danielle thinks that Steve is trying to make a move on Charlotte." Bucky said.

"I'm not! I'm trying to help her with physical therapy." Steve said. Peter couldn't take it anymore.

"Bullshit." He said and then stormed out of the room.

"See what you have caused?" Bucky asked.

"Shut up Bucky we don't need to argue." Mia said.

"You aren't even in this conversation." Bucky said. Charlotte sat outside listening to the yelling.

"Hey Charlotte. I'm sorry about all of this." Danielle said sitting next to her.

"How did I not see that Steve was flirting? God I probably caused all of this to happen." Charlotte sighed.

"Stop putting yourself down. It was my fault. I mean I was the one who hit him." She said.

"I better get back inside, make sure everyone isn't killing each other." Danielle added and walked back into the house. Charlotte once again sat in silence. Peter stood on the other side of the house working up the courage to talk to Charlotte. He paced back and forth and finally decided to do it he walked up behind her and tried to say something but nothing came out. He took a deep breath and tried again.

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