Maybe it's for the best

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It had been a ruff month for the last two. Over in Florida Danielle was out eating lunch....alone. The month started off good with the two making their relationship official. Bucky was a bit scared to go out into town but Danielle helped him through it. They ended up going out to eat every Friday and walking around the small town they lived in. But suddenly Bucky started having mini freak outs. Danielle didn't know what started them but one night Bucky was so zoned out that he ended up pushing Danielle to the ground, since then he won't even go near her. He thinks he is a monster.

"Bucky I'm home." Danielle said walking into the house they owned. It was a country side house with its own little farm. She looked out back to see Bucky stacking hay. He was wearing a tank top and his hair covered his face. Danielle walked up.

"Ok that's far enough." Bucky said not even turning around as he stacked another hay stack up against the barn.

"Bucky you can't hurt me." Danielle said coming closer.

"Stop, I said that's far enough." He said turning around and moving his hair out of his face.

"Look what happened was not your fault." Danielle said.

"I know that, but I don't want it happening again." Bucky said.

"How about I make you a deal, if it does happen again I'll beat your ass up so we are even." Danielle said.

"I mean that sounds promising but you don't know what I'm capable of." Bucky said.

"I have an idea. Just please, don't try and hide from me." She said walking closer to him. He slightly stumbled back but Danielle grabbed his  hand.

"See, nothing is happening. And it won't, I'll make sure of it." Danielle said

"Fine, but just know that I'm still going to be cautious." He said and kissed her. He once again rested his forehead against hers.

"And that's fine. Now please go take a shower, you smell awful." She smiled. He smiled and backed away from her.

"Yes ma'am." He smiled and walked back into the house. Danielle smiled to herself and then walked back inside.

*a few hours later*

Danielle was at the kitchen getting ready to make dinner when Bucky walked down the steps.

"Hey I was thinking of attempting to make chicken quesadillas." Danielle said looking at her cooking book.

"As entertaining as that sounds to watch, I was thinking we could go out to eat. Since it's Friday." Bucky said.

"Really? Are you sure?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah, I think I can control my mind....hopefully." Bucky sighed.

"Stop you are putting yourself down again." Danielle said walking over to him.

"I know, I just can't help it. Are you sure you want to be with me?" Bucky asked.

"Yes there is something about having a train wreck as a boyfriend that makes me want to wake up in the morning." She smiled. Bucky smiled and hugged her. Then they heard a loud crash coming from outside. Bucky quickly let her go and opened the front door.

"Sorry my bad, I didn't think I was coming in so fast. I'll pay for that." Tony said stuck in the porch.

"Here let me help you out of our porch that you have nicely put a fountain space into." Bucky said helping him out of the newly created hole.

"What are you doing here tony?" Danielle smiled leaning against the door frame.

"I see you guys are doing pretty good for yourselves." Tony said coming out of his suit.

"We are trying our best. So is there a reason for this special visit?" Bucky asked.

"Turns our Bram did have friends and they aren't happy. Just yesterday they invaded the house Mia was staying at with her brother." Tony sighed.

"Her brother Chris? Is he ok?" Danielle asked.

"I don't know, and Mia doesn't know and I would like it to stay that way, if she finds out burger boy could be dead she won't be ready to fight." Tony said.

"So you are asking us to come back?"
Bucky asked.

"Yeah pretty much." Tony said.

"Have you got in contact with Charlotte?" Bucky asked.

"No, her and peter are really good at hiding I guess, it's too late to find them." Tony lied.

"So you are telling me that you can't find the most powerful person and you want us to fight without her? Don't you think that's suicide?" Danielle asked.

"It will be tough but his friends aren't nearly as strong as he was, we know what happened to Carl and the other two dweebs he brought with him." Tony said.

"Ok fine, we are in." Danielle said.

"No." Bucky said.

"Excuse me?" Danielle asked.

"The most dangerous thing would be for you to be in another war with me by your side. So I'm going to go, you are staying here." Bucky said.

"No, that's not how this works. You need as many people as you can get and I'm one of them. I'm not just going to sit here wondering if you are coming home. I'm not doing it." Danielle said.

"I'm sorry Danielle, but this is the only way." Bucky said.

"Bucky Barns you fly away with tony, don't think about coming back." Danielle said.

"Maybe it's for the best. I love you, just thought you should know that." Bucky said and then they were gone. Bucky had never really opened up about his feelings towards Danielle.

"Fine, I'll find Charlotte then." Danielle said to herself.

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