Three years of peace

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Unknown POV
Life. The thing everyone struggles with everyday. The thing that contains miles and miles of memories. Each having heartbreak and terror in all of them. Very few times you see happiness and smiles. The world is out of control. And it is time for someone to put it in its right place. And that is what I'm here for. For the greater good....

Narrators POV

Three years of peace. Peter and Charlotte moved into a house in Detroit Michigan in a beautiful neighborhood full of life. They now had a German Shepherd named Pixel who was only a puppy when they got him. Charlotte now was a doctor at the children's hospital. She loves helping kids and their families. Peter was now a chemist and worked mostly at home writing about new things he had discovered. The most important thing for the two was they were engaged. After Charlotte would get home they would find a movie they haven't seen and watch it while playing some board game. It was their tradition you could say.

They hadn't heard from anyone, for over two years. Steve ended up moving into the same neighborhood and the three of them would hang out all the time. Steve lived alone and spent most of his days running or preparing for something to happen. He lost contact with Bucky and tony not even two weeks after everyone left. He had gotten closer to Charlotte and peter and would be the one who would always be willing to help with anything that happens. He tried to let go of his superhero life but when someone was in trouble he wouldn't hesitate to help.

Over in New York tony lived in the avengers tower. He was still too rich for his own good and he was living a good life, but there was always something missing. He tried to call everyone everyday to make sure they were ok, but no one answered. He is paranoid everyday that someone will come to hurt everyone and that's why he ended up moving into the avenger tower. He would walk around the tower and think of all the memories it contained. He finally got the hole fixed from years ago from Bram and replaced the rooms that many battles took place. Everyday he would find something new that one of the others left, an item or a dent in the wall.

Chris now lived in Pennsylvania and was a English teacher. Tony would have been surprised at this but Chris really liked teaching high school kids and he was known as the fun teacher that anyone could come and talk to. He ended up changing his last name in order to forget about his past. He lost contact with his sister and hates himself everyday for not being closer to her. He also lived alone which made him more and more sad. He didn't have many friends which would be a surprise to his students. He normally stayed inside when he wasn't working and didn't even go shopping for food. He would just order food every night to eat.

Wakanda became an even better place when Mia got there. She instantly fit in with everyone and became best friends with shuri. Her and T'Challa also decided to make things official and have been dating for a year and a half. They added a little farm to remind themselves of all the good memories on the farm. T'Challa also bought her a horse and she named it Clyde. They spent countless days trying to tame him and Mia found that she had another power. She could talk to animals. Which made her and Clyde best friends which T'Challa found adorable.

Back at the farm house Bucky and Danielle couldn't have been happier. They added on to the farm and got much closer as the years went on. They even had a little girl a few months ago named Lillian Barns. Danielle now was a writer and had three books published of "fiction" which told all of her stories of being a superhero through a fictional character named Cassandra. Bucky spent his days at the farm taking care of the animals and looking after little Lillian. They sat in her nursery.

"You know it's days like this I love. Just you me and Lillian." Bucky smiled holding her in his arms.

"And you were worried you would be a terrible dad." Danielle smiled.

"Well hey there is still time to make mistakes. I just hope she grows up to be an amazing and normal girl who doesn't have to worry about monsters under the bed." Bucky said softly.

"How could She? She has you to protect her." Danielle said kissing his cheek. Bucky gently put Lillian in her crib and smiled down at her. Danielle was about to leave the room when she paused.

"What?" Bucky asked. She slowly turned around and looked at her hands.

"Danielle? What's wrong?" He asked. She began to walk over to him when she collapsed into his arms.

"Danielle?" Bucky asked.

"To here." She said tears streaming down her face. His sent Bucky into a flash back of the night in the barn when she didn't finish of sentences of "I love you from here..."

Bucky was confused on what was happening. Danielle then faded away into dust. Bucky quickly stood up, his hands covered in dust. He looked into the crib to see Lillian was gone too. With tears streaming down his face he sat in the rocking chair.

"The sun will come out.....tomorrow"

                                    The end

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