The first snow of the year

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*the next day*

Everyone was keeping to themselves in different parts of the farm. Except for Steve who sat with Charlotte who still hadn't woke up. Tony walked to the barn and opened the doors to see Bucky, who was still tied up to the chair. He slowly looked up at tony, his hair soaking wet and in his face.

"Let me guess, tried to break out and it didn't work." Tony said standing in front of him crossing his arms.

"No it rained." He said softly.

"No insults or awful comebacks? No screaming At me?" Tony asked fed up.

"No, if I wanted to break out I would have done it hours ago." Bucky said.

"Do you even know what you did?" Tony half shouted.

"Parts of it." Bucky sighed.

"Well let me fill you in then." Tony said his voice loud and full of anger. "Charlotte is still out-"

"I know! Ok please I don't want to relive it." He yelled as loud as he could.

"She was hurt as it was, do you remember that? And yet you knocked her to the ground and she was helpless. Now she might now even wake up because of you!" Tony yelled walking closer to him to make it more affective.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Bucky yelled louder as his voice broke.

"And now she is laying on the couch and who knows when she will wake up! Not to mention you punched me in the face and oh you tried to stab her!" Tony yelled coming even closer to him.

"Stop! I know! Shut up!" He said and broke free causing tony to stumble back. Bucky stood there breathing heavily as his hair was still in his face. Tony was waiting for Bucky to try and run after him. But instead all tony could hear was Bucky's faint cries under his breath.

"I'm-I'm Sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He broke down. He sat fell back into the chair and covered his face.

"Just tell me what happened. Why the freakouts?" Tony asked calming down.

"I thought I was done with them. I haven't gotten one that I can't control for over a year. They just happen sporadically." Bucky said wiping his eyes.

"I don't want to make you feel distant, but I think that it's for the best you stay here for awhile." Tony sighed.

"I agree. Just please let me know how Charlotte is when you see her next." Bucky sighed.

"I will, try and take it easy." Tony said trying to be nice and walked out of the barn.

Meanwhile Danielle was sitting on the porch.

"How have you been?" Mia asked walking outside.

"Tired, stressed out. I'm about ready to just leave and never look back." Danielle sighed.

"I know we have all been through a lot, but we will get through this. We always do."  Mia said sitting next to her.

"I just have this deep feeling that Charlotte is going to wake up soon. And hopefully she will be ok." Danielle sighed.

"Have you seen her neck? You can clearly see two hands, it's clear she has been strangled. It's terrifying." Mia said. Danielle went to say something but Steve rushed outside.

"Guys, She's awake." Steve said quickly. They both jumped up and ran inside.

"Ok let's pretend like nothing is wrong." Mia said.

"Agreed." Danielle and Steve said.

"Hey Char, how are you feeling?" Danielle asked quietly sitting next to her.

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