Mia being alone

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The girls said from the beginning that they would never leave each other. Yet here they were, a month later, across the U.S. from each other. Mia went back to her hometown in Pennsylvania to live with her brother Chris.

"Dinner is ready." Chris said calling from downstairs.

"Coming." Mia said. She was feeling really alone since she hadn't seen or spoken to the girls. she felt left out. Charlotte was being protected my peter and Danielle had Bucky. But Mia was stuck with her brother who doesn't even know about the avengers or would even care.

"You know I think the city has changed you." Chris said sitting down at the table.

"Really? How?" She asked getting her plate and putting some pasta on it.

"Before you left we were so close and kept bugging each other and everything. Since you've been back you stay up in your room looking out the window. Did something happen?" Chris asked.

"No. I'm fine." She said sitting down in front of him.

"Is it bad that I'm having trouble believing that?" Chris asked.

"Well believe it. I'm telling you I just miss my friends" Mia said.

"You know if someone did something to you I won't hesitate-"

"Chris, Stop. I know you are trying to protect me since you are older but I promise you I can take care of myself." Mia smiled.

"Ok, what ever you say Mia bean." Chris smiled and took a drink of his water. Mia finished her food and walked back upstairs. She sat by the window and sighed. Chris ended up falling asleep on the couch, leaving Mia with no one to talk to. She walked outside and took a deep breath. She pulled out her phone and looked at Danielle's number. She sighed and shut off her phone. She never thought she would miss the fighting days, but she just wanted to see everyone again.

"I see you are alone." Tony said flying down.

"Good to see you too tony. What's up?" She asked.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok, I know you really didn't have anyone with you to protect you," tony said.

"Thanks for thinking of me. How are things back at the tower?" Mia asked.

"Pretty calm actually." Tony said.

"When can we come back?" She asked.

"Not for awhile, it's only been a month." Tony said.

"Have you heard from anyone?" Mia quickly asked.

"They call it going off the grid for a reason. Have you?" Tony asked.

"Nope. This really sucks." Mia sighed.

"I wish I could stay longer but I have to get back to the tower, T'Challa is coming to help protect the tower." Tony said.

"Can't I help with that?" Mia asked.

"No, I don't want you getting hurt." Tony said. "Bye Mia." He said and flew away.

"Bye Tony." Mia sighed and walked back inside. The next day Mia sat by the window moving ball across the room with her powers.

"Hey Mia I'm heading to work, I'll see you at dinner." Chris called up the steps.

"Bye." She called down dropping the ball. She decided to go out to the town to pick up some groceries.

"You're Mia right?" Someone asked as she walked down the street.

"Yes....who are you?" Mia asked a bit scared.

"Sorry if I caught you off guard, I'm Steve Rogers." He said shaking her hand.

"Like as in captain America Steve Rogers?" Mia asked shocked.

"That's the one, so listen tony sent me to look After you. He told me everything that happened so I'm just here to make sure nothing gets to you." He said.

"I love that tony is looking out for me but I'm all the way here how would they find me?" Mia asked.

"Bram was a very dangerous man, I fought him once many years ago. When tony told me he was dead I didn't believe it for a second. He had a lot of tricks up his sleeve so I think this is for the best." Steve said.

"So you are basically going to be stalking me." Mia said.

"No, Im just going to check in from time to time." Steve said.

"Sounds good. Thanks Steve." Mia said

"Just stay safe." He said and walked off.

Mia sighed and walked into the store. She ended up sitting in the park and fell asleep looking at the sky. She jumped out of the nightmare she was having to see it was dark outside. She stood up and walked home. When she walked in Chris was sitting down at the table waiting for her. He would never eat unless she was with him.

"Where were you?" Chris asked.

"I fell asleep at the park. Did you really wait for me?" Mia laughed.

"I always do." Chris smiled.

"What are we having good?" Mia asked.

"Burgers." Chris said.

"Please tell me you didn't burn them to a crisp this time." Mia laughed.

"Ok only half of them, the other half might be raw on the inside but I swear one day I will learn." Chris laughed. Then there was a loud knock of the door which made the two jump.

"I'll get it you stay here." Chris said and opened the door to see tony and Steve.

"Excuse me who are you guys?" Chris asked trying to be intimating.

"Mia I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend, can you come and call him off he is scaring me." Tony called.

"One He is my brother and two cool it Chris I know them." Mia said pushing him back.

"What's up?" She asked.

"We need to get out of here, turns out I was right and there are more of them On the way here." Tony said.

"I'm sorry but my sister is not going with you." Chris said.

"This is a matter of life and death so cool it burger boy." Tony said

"How do you know about that?" Chris asked coming closer to him.

"I would move back princess." Tony said.

"Get off my property." Chris said.

"Do you mind?" Tony asked looking at Mia.

"Be my guest." Mia said and stood back.

"No you know what you have fun He is your brother," tony said.

"As you wish." Mia said and used her Telekinesis to move him to the other side of the room.

"Ok what the hell is happening?" Chris asked confused.

"I'll explain later I promise." Mia said and flew off with tony.

"It was nice meeting you, sorry for the inconvenience," Steve smiled and left.

"Tony where are we going?" Mia called out to him.

"You are going to the tower, I have some other people to collect." Tony said and flew off.

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