Facing a major loss

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It was now the next day. Charlotte was looking on the computer and Danielle joined her.

"You seem happy." Peter said walking over to Bucky who was looking at Danielle.

"What? No when am I ever happy?"
Bucky asked grabbing an apple.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked.

"Heads up." Bucky yelled and threw the apple at the back of Danielle it disappeared and hit peter in the head.

"Ow." He yelled rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry peter that was supposed to hit Jack Frost over there." Danielle said.

"So you are a thing." Peter said.

"No we aren't." Bucky said.

"Don't get so defensive, I just have something to hold against you now, because you know you don't want Mr.Stark to know." Peter said crossing his arms.

"Just like how he wouldn't like to know that you clichely kissed Charlotte?" Bucky asked.

"I'm on to you Barns." He said and walked away.

"Guys I have an important question. Where the heck is Mia?" Tony asked walking into the room.

"That's actually a good question I haven't seen her since last night, or was that the night before." Peter thought out loud.

"I'm sure she is somewhere." Bucky said walking over to the group.

"Yo Polar bear how about you stop being conceited and look for her." Danielle said.

"Are you ever going to run out of names?" Bucky asked.

"I would give up now. Once I asked her to think of an insulting name towards this guy who liked me so much he stalked me, she came up with over 25 names off the top of her head." Charlotte said.

"Don't worry spidey it wasn't you." Danielle said.

"Is there something that I'm missing here?" Tony asked.

"Yes tony you are now the uncool dad who is left out of everything, get use to it." Danielle said.

"Ok before I get bullied anymore I'm going to to another scope, see if I see the two guys." Tony said and walked off.

"Uncool dad, really?" Bucky asked.

"First thing I thought of." Danielle said.

"You two are the cutest." Charlotte laughed.

"But we aren't together." Bucky said.

"Got it, friends that slam each other into walls and passionately kiss the other." Charlotte said.

"Um guys." Peter said but the others were arguing so loud they didn't hear them. They continued to laugh and throw insults at each other.

"Charlotte move!" Peter said jumped grabbing her and flew to the side onto the ground. A big object hit the tower. Danielle and Bucky fell tot he ground.

"Is everyone ok?" Bucky asked.

"Yes. What is that?" Charlotte asked as peter put her Down.

"Well look who it is, spider boy and death girl." The man said flying up into the entrance that was created by the object.

"Who are you and what do you want." Danielle asked.

"Oh right I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Bram. Now no that's not the name you were expecting but when I am known for ending the avengers I want them to know my name, not some stupid name like spider man." He said.

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