Chapter six

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I had now been here for three weeks and I had gotten nowhere. I had mostly given up. I finally realized that my attempt to find myself was just a distraction from how much I miss my dad. I decided not to get of bed this morning.

A few hours after my awakening, I heard a light knock at the door. "Dallas?" Sodapop asked kindly. "Are you awake?"

"Yes." I answered barely loud enough for him to here.

"Can I come in?" He questioned.

"Yes." I said with the same bland and purposeless tone I used before.

He walked in and Ponyboy and Steve followed. Shortly after Two-but approached.

"Are you okay?" Ponyboy asked quietly.

I tried to nod in attempt to convince them all I was okay. But I cracked. Tears began to roll down my cheeks and Soda sat next to me and wrapped me in his arms.

"Hey it's okay." He repeated in a soothing tone.

"I miss him...So much." I cried out. Not holding anything back. Sodapop just held me and let me cry. I hadn't cried at the funeral. I hadn't cried since then. I needed this. I needed to let all of it out. And boy did I.

I stayed in bed that whole day. Until I heard tapping at my window. I walked over and saw Jay.

"Jay?" I hadn't seen him since we had gotten lunch a couple weeks ago. We had a good time, just didn't stay in touch really.

"Can I come in?" He asked in a whisper.

"Yes but you can use the door-"

"No." He said quickly. He must have seen my confused look because he explained without further instruction to.

"It's more fun this way. Don't you think?" I chuckled and nodded a little and with that he slipped inside.

"How did you get that scar?" I asked pointing to the scar on his cheek.

"I was jumped by some guys once."

I starred at him. For some reason he seemed unbelievably familiar at this point. He looked back at me.

"Are you sure we haven't met?" I asked.

"I'm sure. I'd remember you." He tried backing up his answer but my gut still said otherwise. I looked at him and studied him. His dark eyes, completely contrasting to mine. His skin was tan and his hair was as dark as his eyes.

"I should probably go. I just wanted to check on you." He said approaching the window.

"Okay. And thanks." He grinned at me slightly and then was gone.

"Hey." I heard Ponyboy knock at my door.

"I have lunch made. Are you hungry?" He asked kindly and I smiled at the southern hospitality my uncles perfected.

"Yes. I'll be out in a minute thank you." And with that I was ready to leave my room. I missed my dad. More than I could even imagine. But not living my life wasn't going to bring him back. You don't stop living just because you lose someone.

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