Chapter seven

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The next day was rainy. Yet I never minded the rain, in fact I enjoyed it. When I was a little girl, I had rain boots that looked like lady bugs. I called them my "buggies." When it rained, I was would beg my father to come play out in the rain with me.

"Daddy please!" I begged. I smiled my toothless smile in attempt to convince him.

"Dallas Jay Curtis, I said no." He responded in a firm voice.

"Daddy you told me to dance every chance I get! Why should rain stop that?" I pleaded. I had him, I knew he'd say yes.

He sighed and looked out the window for lightening. "They second I see lightening we're going inside. Understood?"

"Yes!" I squealed with a slight lisp from my missing teeth. I slipped on my buggies and my dad and I ran outside to play in the rain.

I stepped outside and let the drizzle fall onto my head. I smiled to myself. "Hi daddy." I whispered as the small droplets fell gently down my body.

I began to walk back inside but I stopped. How fitting it was for the rain to be falling at a time like this. My life had been completely turned upside down. Most people think of rain as there bad days. The silly slogans always saying "you must get through the rain to get the rainbow." I hated that quote. Because to me, perfect weather was rain. Perfect weather was storms and clouds and lightening. I reveled in it. And for the past six months, every since my dad was diagnosed up until now, I've felt like my life was a dry sunny day. One with no clouds and blazing hot sun. And today it rained. I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. Feeling the cold water droplets drip down my face. I smiled a genuine smile. One that had been lost from me since my father was taken from this earth.

"I miss you dad." I whispered into the rain. I knew he was here. I could feel his presence now more than ever. He adored the rain almost as much as he adored me. I stood in the rain and smiled.

And I danced.

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