Chapter eight

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I hadn't seen Jay in nearly a week. I decided to take a walk to the video store to see him. I was fixing breakfast for my uncles first however. They had done so much for me, that I forgot how much they must be hurting too. They lost their parents at such a young age, and my dad became their father figure. Especially Ponyboy. Both my uncles are still so young, both in their early 30s. I wish they'd start dating and try to find someone to spend time with other than each other. Sodapop called me Darry the other day. We all sat silently for a little while. I may not look anything like my father, but according to my uncles, at times I act and talk just like him. And at times, I don't. It's strange.

"Hey you're already up." Ponyboy said walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I figured I'd make breakfast. I hope you like eggs and bacon. And coffee." I replied.

"Just how your dad used to make it." He said quietly with a look of nostalgia.

"Yeah." I agreed.

He looked up at me and smiled. I served him his breakfast and shortly after Soda walked in.

"Good morning Dallas." Soda greeted with the same surprised tone Ponyboy had. He glanced at the breakfast I had made and I saw the same look shimmer in his eyes that Pony had as well. They missed my dad. Almost as much as I did.

"Here." I broke the silence by handing him his plate.

"Thanks Dally." He said and I felt my stomach knot up at that nickname. It reminded me of the fight my father and I had had. The one I regretted so much.

After they began eating I decided to go ahead and tell them what I originally wanted to say. "Guys, I wanted to thank you." They both looked at me and stopped eating. "You both have been so great and helpful through this. It's been really hard for me, but you both have helped so much. I know my dad meant a lot to you, and I know you both meant a lot to him. You guys, and the rest of y'all's 'gang' helped make my father into the great dad he was. I wanted to thank you both for all of that." Sodapop stood up and walked over to me. Ponyboy followed.

"We love you so much Dallas. You've been so strong through this." Soda said while wrapping me in his arms.

"I love you baby girl." Ponyboy kissed my temple and I hugged both of them. They reminded me of my dad sometimes, and I know that I reminded them of dad too. We needed each other. Because within each other my father lived. And we could see that.

I left shortly after and made my way to the video store. "Jay?" I called while walking in.

"Hey." His sweet voice called back. "Looking for a movie?" He asked.

"Nope, just you." I smiled and he smiled as well. "You're kind of the only friend I've made in this town." I confessed. "Well, you and this one guy named Tuck. But I haven't seen him in a while." I stated and Jay smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"Tuck's my best friend." He replied.

"Really? He kind of scared me the first time I met him."

"Don't worry. Tuck pretends to be all hard and mean but he ain't. He wouldn't hurt nobody. Especially you Dallas."

"Why especially me?" I asked.

"You'll fund out." He said with a serious tone.

I propped myself up on the counter so that I was facing him. He leaned close in between my legs so that they were almost wrapped around him. Our faces were only inches apart. I gently laid one arm on his shoulder. My hand played carelessly with his long dark locks. I could feel my stomach flipping inside me. I leaned closer, our lips nearly touching. Finally I stopped waiting and I kissed him. He kissed me back and wrapped his arms around my waist. I brought my other hand up to his face and pulled him close to me. My legs wrapped around him closing any space between our bodies. We stayed like this for what seemed like only seconds. But when I finally pulled away, the clock showed we'd been kissing for twenty minutes.

"You're a good kisser." I whispered as I laid my head against his.

"I shouldn't have done that." He confessed causing my stomach to drop.

"I don't understand." I stated confused. I thought it was a great kiss.

He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. "I'm not," He started. He couldn't exactly find his words I guess. "From around here exactly."

"What do you mean? You're just visiting?"

He sighed and looked down. When he looked back at me he smiled but only for a quick second. Then he remembered whatever reason he couldn't be with me and his face saddened again.

"Yeah." He replied. "I'm just visiting." I looked down. Jay had been the only friend I had made and he wasn't even permanent.

"When do you leave?" I asked afraid he'd say an answer that was far too soon.

"It sort of depends."

"On what?"

"I can't really explain Dally it-"

"Wait." I snapped my head up and looked at him. "What did you call me?"

"Dallas." He lied.

I unwrapped my arms from around him and slid off the counter. I paced a few steps and then turned around.

"How do you know me Jay? You just called me Dally? That's a nickname only the guys from my father's gang knew."

He stood silently. I shook my head and then left angrily. Jay had secrets. Secrets just like my father and everyone else in this damn town and I was sick of it.

"Hey." A voice that didn't belong to Jay called out. I knew who it was though.

"Tuck." I smiled and my anger flowed away gently.

"What's got you so mad huh?" He asked while lighting a cigarette.

"Give me a cigarette and maybe I'll tell ya." I commanded.

"I see you ain't speaking quite as formal as you once did." He chimed in while lighting my cigarette with a smile. "Here."

I took a puff and let it go gently. I had never smoked before. But I picked it up pretty quickly.

"Geez you're a pretty good smoker for a first timer."

"How'd you know it was my first time?" I laughed.

He hesitated and took another puff of his. "The way you did it. Plus you don't look like the kind of girl to be smoking."

"Maybe I didn't used to be. But maybe I've changed." He grinned and then I realized something. I was changing. I was becoming my true self.

"How long you lived here Tuck?" I asked.

"Too long." He answered quickly.

"Why didn't you leave? Parents holding you back?"

"Not exactly."

"Well then what's keeping you here?" I asked. We had just reached my house when I did. I leaned against the fence and he did too.

"There's some people here I gotta protect. Some unfinished business before I can go home."

"Where's home?" I asked.

"Far away, Dallas. Real far away."

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