Part 3: Smut

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"Bye guys! Be good!" Tom shouted as we walked out of the door. "Bye Mummy! Bye Daddy!" Elodie shouted. She loved shouting. "You look gorgeous in that dress babe" Tom said grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. I bit my lip. "Well if you're lucky handsome, you might get to take it off me later" I said pulling away and getting into the car. "Oh don't you worry, I plan too" He said running his hand up and down my thigh as he started the car.

We got to the Italian and we were seated in a private room. "Wow! This is amazing!" I gasped. There were rose petals over the floor and on the table. "Only for the most beautiful girl" Tom whispered seductively. I could see tonight being very very romantic. "Shall we sit?" He said pulling my chair out for me. "Thank you kind sir" I said sitting down gracefully. He chuckled. A waiter came over and gave us the menus. "The most expensive champagne please" Tom kindly asked the waiter. "Of course sir". He bowed and left. "Tom!". "What?" He asked me. "You can't buy the most expensive champagne! I'm okay with wine you know" I said still in shock. "Yes I know but I am treating you" he replied. "I love you" I said. "I love you too" He smiled back. "Here you are sir" the waiter said coming back in. "Perfect" Tom replied. "Would you like to order?" The waiter asked. "I would like the Macaroni Cheese please!" I answered a little to excitedly. Tom smirked. "And I'll have the Spaghetti Carbonara please!" Tom answered. "My pleasure" the waiter said taking the menus and walking out.

"Are you enjoying it darling?" Tom asked as I was shoving my food down. "Very much" I laughed. "Um...y/n" Tom stuttered. "Yeah?" I asked eating the last of my dinner. "I have something to ask you". I could tell he was nervous. "Tom are you okay?" I asked. He starts rubbing his hands on his trousers. "Y/n, from the moment I met you, I instantly fell in love. Your smile, your laugh, the way you eat your food, the way you are with your family and the way you are with Elodie, it makes me smile. Everyday when I wake up, I look at you sleep and I think how did I get so lucky. You're beautiful and I wouldn't change you for the world. You gave me a beautiful daughter and even though she isn't biologically mine, I love her so much. And I love you so much!". Tom stands up and gets down on one knee pulling a little black box out. I gasp. "So y/n y/m/n Osterfield, will you do me the greatest honour and make me the happiest man alive by becoming my wife?". Tears were rushing down my face and a few fell down Tom's face too. "Of course I will!" I cried wrapping my arms around his neck. He picked me up and spun me around. "I love you so much y/n" Tom cried. "I love you so much too".

"Harrison!! Guess what??" I screamed down the phone at him. "You said yes?" He said laughing. "Yessss!!". "Omg y/n! I'm so happy for you!!" He cried. "Thank you so much!! Anyway, I was ringing to see if you were alright to look after Elodie until morning?" I asked. "Of course! You two need to celebrate". He emphasised 'celebrate'. "Fuck off Haz" I laughed. "Anyway, have fun! Love you!" "Love you too Haz". I put the phone down. After our dessert, we got a little frisky so we decided to book a hotel for the night. I called Harrison on the way to tell him what was going on but the whole time, Tom's hand kept traveling up and down my thigh. "This car journey better hurry up" he whispered in my ear. "Stop teasing me Thomas. I need you" I moaned. I couldn't take the teasing much longer.

We couldn't get into our hotel room quick enough. While checking in, I kept teasing Tom by placing my hand on his bulge and then quickly removing it again. I knew it drove him crazy. At one point he leant down and whispered, "keep doing that and I'll make sure you cannot walk tomorrow". I had to cross my legs. That turned me on so much. As soon as we had our room key, Tom pushed me into the lift and his hands roamed all over me. "God you're so sexy Mrs Holland" He said while biting my neck. The lifts doors opened and we quickly got out, running to our room. "Hurry up" I laughed while undoing his shirt. When we finally got in, Tom wasted no time in ripping off my dress. "That's better" he said. He pushed me to the bed and laid me down. He climbed on top of me and starting kissing down my body. Grabbing each breast as he went. A slight moan left my lips. I could feel Tom smile. As he reached my core, he took my pants off with his teeth and then went all out. "JESUS TOM!" I screamed as he plunged two fingers into me while sucking on my clit. I could feel myself wanting to let go. I grabbed Tom's hair and dragged him up to my face. I gripped his manhood and lined it up with my entrance. "Rough and fast big boy". Just as I said that, he shoved it in. "Shit" I moaned. "You like that baby?" Tom moaned. I could only nod. He kept thrusting faster and faster until the headboard was banging. "I...I can't hold it much longer" I panted. With that, I let myself go. I was a hot and sweaty mess. Tom came after. He collapsed on top of me. "That was amazing" He panted. "Got to do it more often Mr Holland" I said stroking his hair. "Yes we do Mrs Holland" he replied. "I like that" I said as he rolled off me and helped me clean up. "So do I" He replied as he pulled me closer to him. "I love you". "I love you too". With that, we both fell asleep. I was marrying the love of my life.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now