Part 10

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Tom's POV:
Pandora was next on our travels. I wanted to get y/n something special so I decided to get her a bracelet with Elodie's birth stone on it. "Would you like to give Mummy this charm as a present darling? It says 'Best Mummy' on it" I asked Elodie who was cuddled into Harrison. She nodded tiredly. It had been a long day for her.

Finally, I payed for everything and we made our way back to the car. It also didn't take long for the little princess to fall asleep. "God she's heavy when she's sleeping" Harrison laughed. I offered to take her but I think Harrison enjoyed the cuddles and the cuteness. As we got to the car, Harrison carefully put Elodie into her car seat. Luckily she didn't wake up. "I'm hungry. Shall we pick up a takeout on the way home?" I asked Harrison. "Oh my god yes! That sounds like a good idea!" He replied. "I'll ring Y/n and asked what she wants" I said dialling her number.

"Hey" she answered. "Hey darling. We are going to get a takeout for tea. What do you fancy?" I asked. "Chinese!!! I need Chinese!". Harrison and I laughed. "Okay love. The normal?" I asked still laughing. "Yes please! How's Elodie?" Y/n asked. "Sleeping" Harrison answered. "Bless her. Okay, I'll see you when you get home!". "Bye!". I cut off and we made our way to the Chinese.

"Ah! Mr Holland! The normal?" The owner asked me. "Yes please mate!". I loved it how they knew what we wanted but it was also bad because that meant that we ate Chinese too much.

I waited for 20 minutes before our food was ready. "That will be £30 please" he said. I handed him the money. "Thank you!" I shouted while leaving the shop. "So that's how you make cupcakes" Elodie was saying as I got into the car. "Okay so, let me get this straight, you have to mix butter and sugar together and that's it?" Harrison asked Elodie while trying not to laugh. "Yeah!" She said proudly. I chuckled.

"Babe! We're..."

Your POV:
"Ah finally! I'm starving and it smells so good!" I said cutting Tom off as he walked through the door. "Home" he finished while chuckling. I grabbed the bags from him and put them on the table. I started putting it. "Mummy! Look what Daddy brought me!" Elodie said excitedly while running up to me. She handed me a bag and I looked in. "They look lovely darling. I will look at them properly after tea okay" I said kissing her head. "Okay!". She ran up and climbed onto her highchair ready to eat.

"How has your day been?" Harrison asked me while helping Elodie with her noodles. "Relaxing. Slept in, then took a bath, started watching tv and then slept more" I giggled. "How about yours?" I asked. Tom and Harrison both looked at each other then looked at Elodie. "Oh god what did she do?" I laughed. Tom and Harrison then filled me in.

"Elodie" I laughed. "It didn't look nice when Daddy held it up but it did when I did" she laughed too. We had finished our tea and we had now vacated to the sofa. Elodie showed me her dress and shoes and they looked stunning on her. She paraded up and down the living room. She sure did know how to twist Tom round her little finger.

After her little fashion show, Tom took Elodie for a bath, Harrison went to bed and I made my way to mine and Tom's room too. Tessa followed me and curled up on the bed, leaning her head on my stomach. "You are such a good girl Tess" I cooed while stroking her. "Someone wanted to say goodnight" Tom said as he carried Elodie to our bed. "Are you tired sweetheart?" I asked while taking her from Tom. She nodded her head and laid on my chest. Tessa moved slightly and put her paw on Elodie's hand. "Elodie and I have a present for you" Tom said while getting a pandora bag. "Pandora! They are a lot of money Tom!" I said while taking the bag from him. "Yeah but only the best for my women" he laughed. I opened the bag and inside was a bracelet with Elodie's birthstone charm and a 'Best Mummy' charm. Tears filled my eyes. "Oh Tom. This is beautiful" I cried. "You like?" He said climbing into bed with us. "Like? I love! Thank you so much!" I cried even harder. I kissed Elodie's head and then turned to Tom and gave him a kiss. He carefully pulled me closer to him so he was cuddling me. "It is perfect" I said. "I love you y/n. I can't believe this is real. My beautiful daughter, my fab dog and my gorgeous fiancée. It's more than perfect" he said while kissing my head. "I love you too Tom".

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now