Part 31

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"Can you please give a huge round of applause for the new Mr and Mrs Holland" Harrison beamed through the microphone. When we entered, Elodie ran to Harrison and everyone laughed while they cheered. We walked to the top table and sat down at the King and Queen chairs. Sat next to me was, Nikki, Dom, Harry, Sam, Elysia and Paddy and sat next to Tom was, Mum, Dad, Charlotte, Harrison, Eva and Elodie. Tessa was wondering around and Elodie was itching to follow her but I had told her we were going to have food and she instantly stayed. I passed on my love of food to her. Finally, the starters came out. It was Calamari or Patê.

"I could eat that again" Tom said while licking his lips. "Liked it then?" I smiled laughing. "Very much" He said kissing my cheek.

Once the starters were cleared, I took the microphone and stood up. "Right everyone, the mains is being served, but because I am the bride, pregnant and hungry, I am going first". Everyone laughed. I started walking when Elodie shouted my name. "Yes darling?" I answered. "Can I come with you?" She asked. "Of course you can. Come on sweetie" I said while taking her out of her high chair. She grabbed my hand and we walked to the Carvery.

"And that and that and that" Elodie said while pointing to the potatoes, carrots and parsnips. I laughed. "Anything else?" I laughed. She shook her head. She had a small beef dinner and she was very excited about it. I had a turkey dinner and boy was I looking forward to it. After I got up, everyone else followed. Tom came with me and he was getting mine while I sorted Elodie out. "Right come on then" I said to her while walking back to our seats. I placed her dinner down and tried to lift her up but I couldn't and the baby was kicking. "We are going to have to wait for Daddy as baby isn't letting me lift you" I told her. She laughed and hugged me. Her head just reached the bottom of my belly. "Ouch" she whined while rubbing her head. "Baby just kicked me". I rubbed her head and tried not to laugh. "Think someone is excited you hugged them". Tom finally came. "What's wrong darling?" He asked Elodie who was still rubbing her head. "Baby kicked me" she responded. Tom stifled a laugh. "Aw baby, come here" He said putting our dinner down and picking her up. She snuggled into him. She was tired too. "Are you tired?" Tom asked. She nodded. "Why don't you eat your dinner, then you can go for a nap" Tom said putting her in her high chair. She picked up her fork and started eating. Tom moved her in between us so one of us could take her to bed after.

"She's asleep" Tom said sitting back down. He put the monitor on the table. "Is she snoring?" I laughed. "Yeah" Tom laughed too. "Just like you" I giggled. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my hair. "Um excuse me, could I have your attention please?" Harrison said down the microphone. Everyone quietened down and turned their attention to Harrison. "I have no idea why Tom and y/n put me in charge of the announcements but there you go but it is time for the speeches so without further a do, may I introduce my best mate and the groom Tom!". I cheered loudly as Tom got up and took the microphone from Harrison. "Thank you Haz and we put everyone's name in a hat and yours was picked, so that is why you are doing the announcements" Tom started. Everyone laughed. "Anyway, I would like to thank you all for coming today and celebrating with y/n and I. It has been incredible so far and I cannot wait for the rest. I'm still trying to get over the fact that y/n said yes!". He took a breathe and carried on. "I fell in love with y/n when she was born. Ask Haz. Whenever we went over to their house, even though I was 3, I would always give her kisses on the head and even hold her. She was perfect and still is. When we grew older, I would fall more in love with her but I never had the guts to tell her so when she was pregnant with Elodie, I promised myself I would look after them. I told y/n I loved her the day before she gave birth and we got together a few hours before Elodie was born. I thought the timing was perfect. So 2 years later, I asked y/n to marry me and it was the best thing I ever did. She had given me a wonderful daughter, who I am officially adopting next week". Every started cheering and clapping and some people even started crying. "I know. But y/n also has blessed me with giving me another child who I cannot wait to meet. But I think the greatest gift of all is having you as my wife. I love you unconditionally y/n" he cried. I was crying and got up and hugged him. "I love you too" I cried. He then took my hand and pulled away. "And now I am going to hand you over to my best friend, best man and the best announcer, Harrison!" Tom beamed. Harrison got up and took the microphone from Tom and hugged him and me while everyone clapped. Just as he was about to speak, Elodie started crying. "I'll go" Tom said. "No I will" I said getting up. "You can carry on, just press the button on the baby monitor" I laughed while walking to our room.

As I got to the room, Elodie was standing in her crib crying for me. "It's okay baby, I'm here" I said while stroking her cheek. I picked her up with great difficulty and sat on the bed with her. "Ready y/n?" I heard Harrison say through the monitor. "Ready" I laughed. Elodie has fallen back to sleep on me. I had to lie down as she was heavy. "Tom and I have been friends for 22 years and they have been the best years of my life. Though they got better when y/n was born. We are like the three musketeers. Always have each other's back and help each other out. When we moved to Australia, it was horrible. Being away from Tom was heartbreaking but we always kept in contact". I began to cry again. Harrison then continued. "When we came back over, the Holland's welcomed us with open arms and my god wasn't it good to see Tom. He looked after y/n as well and when she got boyfriends, Tom and I were the first to check them out and when they broke up, we were first on their doorstep". Everyone was laughing. So was I. Elodie was snoring again now. "So when you two got together, I was happy as Larry because I knew Tom wasn't going to hurt my sister. I knew he was going to love and support both of them. So Tom, from the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank you for loving my sister and niece and the new baby and I want to thank you for everything. I love you bro" Harrison finished. I was bawling my eyes out. Everyone clapped. "Oh and to add, whoever Charlotte gets with, I can guarantee you, myself and y/n will be watching you" Harrison laughed. I couldn't help but giggle too. "Y/n, did you hear all that?" Harrison asked down the monitor. "Yes I did and I love you too Harrison" I cried. "Aw y/n don't cry" he said crying himself. "How's Elodie?" He asked. "She is flat out on me. I may need a little help" I giggled. "I'm on my way" I heard Tom say. "No, you stay put! This is your wedding day. I will go and send y/n back down" I heard Paddy say.

Before long, Paddy was knocking lightly on the door. "Come in" I whispered. He opened the door carefully and walked in. He carefully took Elodie from me and lied down in bed with her. I placed cushions behind her so she wouldn't fall off. I looked at them in awe. "What are you still doing here?" Paddy giggled. "Okay okay I'm going. Thank you Pads" I said laughing and walking out the door. I got back into the reception and gave Harrison a huge hug. "That was lovely" I said starting to cry again. He kissed my head. "Now, its time for your first dance!" He beamed. I walked over to Tom who was already on the dance floor busting some moves. I burst out laughing. When he saw me, he danced more and made his way over. "Why have I married this guy?" I laughed turning to Harrison. "I have no idea" he laughed back. Tom took me into his arms and pulled me into the middle of the dance floor. The DJ put on our song "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran. Everyone got up and started recording and taking pictures. We were swaying to the music when Tom whispered in me ear. "I love you so much darling". I smiled. He then twirled me around. "And I love you so much too". I learnt up and kissed him. Everyone had now joined us and was dancing. It was magical.

3 hours had passed and I was tired. I danced, interacted with people and danced some more. I finally decided it was time for my bed. "Tom, I think I'm going to go to bed" I said as I hugged him. "Same here darling" he said hugging me tighter. We said our goodbyes and thank you's to everyone then made our way to our room. We opened the door quietly and we saw Paddy and Elodie asleep. "Look at them" I smiled. "They are so cute!" Tom whispered. Luckily they were asleep in the single bed. Tom helped me out of my dress and he hung it up. I got into my Pj's and got into bed. Tom did the same. When he got in, I faced him and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me tenderly. This was the perfect end to a perfect day. "I love you Mrs Holland". "And I love you too Mr Holland".

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now