Part 34

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"Mummy!" Elodie shouted through the window when she saw us getting out of the car. I waddled (because I am now getting fatter) to the door and opened it. She came running up to me. "I've missed you" she smiled. "And I've missed you too darling" I said stroking her hair. Tom came in behind me and she ran to him. He picked her up and spun her around. "Daddy, a letter came for you and it looks important" she said getting excited. I instantly knew what it was. He put Elodie down and quickly ran to the kitchen to get the post. We all ran after him. When we got to the kitchen, Tom started ripping open the letter. He stood there silently and read it. Tear started streaming down his face. He turned around and ran to pick up Elodie. "I love you Elodie Rose Holland" he cried. All of us were crying too.

"Nanny! Nanny! Nanny!" Elodie said excitedly as Nikki walked through the door. "Yes sweetie?" She laughed. "What's my name?" She asked. Nikki looked confused but answered. "Elodie Rose Osterfield". "Wrong. It's Elodie Rose Holland" Elodie beamed. Nikki stood there shocked. Suddenly tears started rolling down her cheeks. "Don't cry Nanny. I now have your name too!" Elodie said giving her a hug.

We FaceTimed Mum, Dad and Charlotte and told them. They were on holiday in Australia visiting friends. "Oh honey that's wonderful!" Mum said. But you you tell she was upset. Her grandchild wasn't an Osterfield anymore.

When everyone was gone, I congratulated Eva and Harrison properly. "Guys! I'm so happy for you!" I beamed while hugging them. They still hadn't told anyone apart from us. "I'm going to be an Auntie". I then started to cry. Harrison hugged me tighter. "You are and you are going to be the best auntie ever" he smiled while kissing my head.

We didn't have any food in the house so Tom and Harrison went shopping. Elodie was playing with Tessa in the garden and Eva and I were watching them. "I'm scared" Eva said all of a sudden. I turned my gaze to her. "Why?" I asked. "What if it happens again? I don't think I can cope if it does. Y/n please don't let it happen again" she said starting to hyperventilate. I grabbed her hands. "Eva, I am going to be right here by your side okay? If anything happens, I will be the first one to help! Please don't worry. We will get through this together okay?" I said, tears rolling down my cheeks now. She nodded her head and hugged me tight. Just as we pulled away, the boys were back. We quickly wiped out faces and joined Elodie who was now on the gym mat. "It will be okay" I said to Eva and she was bouncing with Elodie. She gave me a smile.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now