Part 13

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Elodie quickly became friends with Eva and she wouldn't leave her alone. "Eva! Look at this dress Uncle Haz brought me" and "Eva, come with me, I want to show you my room". "Think Elodie likes you Eva" I smiled before Elodie grabbed Eva's hand and dragged her to her room. " you like her?" Harrison asked. "Like? I love her Haz!" I said hugging him. She was such a lovely person. Kind, caring and she helped with the washing up after tea. "Take notes boys!" I shouted from the kitchen. Eva and I both laughed. "So can I bring her to the wedding?" He asked again. "Of course you can!" I beamed. I was so happy for him.

"Elodie, it's time for bed darling" Tom said as they came back into the living room. "But Daddy" She said in a strop. "Come on, say nighty night to everyone" he said. She stroppily went and hugged Harrison. "Nighty night princess. Love you" Harrison said hugging her. "Love you too Uncle Haz". Elodie kissed his cheek and then went over to Eva. "Goodnight Elodie. It was lovely to meet you" she said giving Elodie a kiss on the cheek. "Will I see you again? Elodie asked. "Of course darling" Eva responded. "Okay! Thank you for playing with me!" She said happily then came running over to me. "Night Mummy, I love you and the baby loads" she said as she kissed me then kissed my belly. "And we love you loads too sweetheart" I said hugging her. Tom picked her up and carried her to her room. "NIGHT" she shouted as she was leaving the room. "How did you two create such a cute child?" Eva asked me. I looked at the ground. I didn't think that question would come up. "Um...Tom isn't Elodie's real father" Harrison said. "Shit. I'm so sorry" Eva said. She was mortified. "No no, it's fine" I said finally looking up. "Um her father caused a car accident and died instantly the night we made Elodie. He never even knew I was pregnant". I could feel myself welling up. "Y/n, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up. I just presumed" Eva said sitting next to me. "Honestly it's okay" I said. "UNCLE HAZ!! LITTLE HELP PLEASE!" Elodie shouted. "Oh god, Tom must be reading "Room on the Broom" in the wrong voice" Harrison laughed while walking off. "IM COMING!" He shouted.

"I know how you feel" Eva spoke up. I looked at her confused. "I know what you went through as I went through it myself. But the father didn't die. But my child did". Tears formed in her eyes. "Oh Eva" I pulled her into a hug and she began to cry. "Please don't tell Harrison. You are the only one that knows" she said sobbing into my chest. "Oh lovely. Of course I won't tell anyone. You can talk to me you know" I said hugging her tightly. "Thank you. After hearing your story, I just need to tell someone and that person is you as you get it" she responded. "Let's go for a walk and you can tell me" I said getting up. "TOM! HAZ! EVA AND I ARE GOING FOR A WALK!" I shouted. "OKAY" Harrison shouted back.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now