Part 26

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"Do we have to do this?" I asked Tom as we were making our way to my parents house. "Yes we do! It is making you miserable I can tell" Tom answered. "It's only making me miserable because they cannot except my decision. I mean Dad still has Charlotte. He can walk her down the isle" I responded. "Y/n! Stop being so stubborn!". "I am not apologising!" I replied. I let go of Tom's hand and knocked on the door. Dad answered it. "Changed your mind?" He asked in a snarky tone. "No. If it was up to me, I wouldn't be here, but look at your son-in-law, he's the reason why we are here" I said walking into the house. "You're wasting your breathe son" Dad said to Tom. "I'm here so you can respect her decision. Plus all this is stressing her out and right now, she needs to rest" Tom snarkily said while walking in too. I had sat down with Mum. "Hello darling, how are you?" She asked me. "Tired" I responded. "You need to take it easy" she went. Charlotte and Dad came into the room. "Well, I would, but these two are being dicks and won't let me!" I snarled. Mum and Tom took a step back. They knew I wasn't going to hold back.

"I am your father and I should be the one walking you down the isle!" Dad said getting angry. "YES BUT WHO WAS THERE WHEN I MOVED BACK TO ENGLAND? WHO WAS THERE WHEN I WAS DOING MY EXAMS? WHO WAS THERE WHEN I FOUND OUT I WAS PREGNANT WITH ELODIE? DOM WAS! DOM WAS THERE THROUGHOUT EVERYTHING!" I shouted. "AND AS FOR YOU CHARLOTTE, I THOUGHT YOU UNDERSTOOD! SO WAS EVERYTHING YOU SAID TO ME FAKE? WHY CAN MUM UNDERSTAND BUT NOT YOU TWO!?" I was crying now. Tom was behind me, rubbing my back trying to calm to me down. Charlotte and Dad stood there not knowing what to say. "You're not saying anything because you know I'm right" I cried. "She's right guys. Even I've faced up to the fact we were not there for them. But if y/n wants Dom to walk her down the isle, then we need to respect her decision" Mum said. "I'm going. This isn't healthy for my baby and I need to put them first. You're still welcome to the wedding, but if you don't come, then I know where I stand". I stood up and walked to the door. "Y/n, I do love you" Dad went. "And I love you too" I said while walking out of the door.

Tom's POV:
"Please Tom, please say you see our point of view?" Charlotte cried. "I can, trust me I can, but y/n is right. And I'm not just saying this because he is my Dad, but he was there for her throughout everything. Please understand that. This is hurting her as much as you. She thought you would support her" I said walking towards the door. "And we will" Mrs Osterfield said. "Yes we will" Mr Osterfield added. "Thank you". I walked out the door and saw y/n sat on the step waiting for me. "They will support you" I whispered as I helped her off the step. She looked at me in shock. "I know, I'm just amazing" I laughed. "Oh shut up!" She laughed too while hitting my arm. "Thank you" She then said while intertwining her fingers with mine. "Anything for you darling" I replied bringing her hand up to my lips to kiss it. I was happy that everything was nearly fixed.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now