Part 44

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"Mark down on here what you would like and I'll order it" I said passing the menu to Eva. When she heard what had gone on, she came over instantly. "Guys, I'm so sorry" she cried as she came in. "It's okay. It's not your fault babe" Harrison said hugging her. We all talked about it for a while and then decided that it was enough. It was done and we shouldn't keep duelling on it. So we all agreed to have Chinese. "Noodles Mummy, Noodles!" Elodie excitedly said. Elodie loves noodles. In fact, I'm surprised she hasn't turned into one with the amount she eats! "I take it you like noodles then Elodie" Jacob asked her. She nodded and jumped up and down. "Will you three come on the trampoline please?" She asked Laura, Zendaya and Jacob. "Yeah!" They all said in unison and got up and went outside. Even though she hadn't seen them in a year, she loved it when they came. They always spoil her. Buying her presents and toys and ice cream!

"Is that all guys?" Tom shouted to them outside. "Yes thank you!" They responded. "Right, I'll go and order it" he said getting up and getting the phone. Freddie was asleep on Harrison. "Is that Freddie snoring?" Harrison asked laughing. "Yeah" I laughed. "Just like Tom" Harrison laughed even more. "Well, I expect your little one will snore like you" I laughed. "Bloody better not. My god. The amount of times I've nearly murdered him for snoring in my ear is unreal" Eva laughed. "He's been like that every since he was a child". "I have not!" "Have too" "Have not" "Have too". "Charlotte, I did not snore did I?" Harrison asked. "How am I meant to know? I was a baby!" She laughed. "Idiot" I mumbled. Charlotte just burst out laughing. "All ordered" Tom said coming back into the room. "Tom! Do I snore?" Harrison asked him. "Fuck yes dude" Tom laughed. "IN YOUR FACE" I shouted, getting up and jumping up and down. Everyone laughed expect Tom who was stood there shocked. "Y/n, you okay?" He asked giggling. "Yeah. I just won an argument with Haz" I said hugging him, laughing.

"My goodness Elodie, are you sure you can't get anymore in your mouth?" Laura asked. Elodie had her mouth so full that she looked like a hamster. She went to add more, but Tom stopped her. "Don't you dare missy" he said sternly. She put the noodles back down. "Finish  what is in your mouth first" Laura said. She nodded. "Waaaaa" Freddie cried. I put my fork down and got up to get him. "Hello baba. Are you hungry?" I cooed. I sat on the sofa and I was going to breastfeed him when Zendaya went "y/n, feed him up here while you eat your dinner". "We don't mind" Jacob added. "Sure?"  "Yes" everyone went. "Alright" I laughed. I went to the table and started breastfeeding while eating my dinner. Tom looked over and stroked his hand. "You just wanted to be part of this didn't you little man. Did you feel left out?" He cooed. Freddie grabbed onto Tom's finger. "Are you a Daddy's boy?" Tom cooed again. "Tom you are such a good Dad" Zendaya said. "Tom is the best" Elodie went. "That's Daddy to you Miss Holland" Tom smiled. Elodie poked her tongue out at him. "Put that back in, you don't know where it has been" Harrison laughed. Elodie looked confused. "Don't worry" he said still laughing.

When we finished dinner, Charlotte, Eva, Zendaya and Laura washed up and cleared the table while Jacob took Freddie from me and was telling him about Ned Leeds. "Now, Ned Leeds is Peter Parker's best friend and Spider-Man's 'guy in the chair'. Spider-Man is 100% the best super hero and Ned Leeds is 110% the bestest friend. They are both nerds but don't ever ever feel like being a nerd is wrong. Because it's not. Being a nerd is sometimes better because you will go far in life. And you and Elodie are going to go far in life because you have wonderful parents and family and friends that love you". Tom and I were stood by the door listening and we both looked at each other and smiled.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now