Part 37

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"Just let me do what I need to do" I said as I walked back and forth. I had been pacing the house for nearly an hour to try and ease my pain but it was not working. The contractions kept getting bigger and they were closer together. Harrison was looking after Elodie while Eva and Tom were trying to help me. "I'm going to ring the maternity ward and see what we need to do" Tom said picking up the phone. "Good idea" Eva responded. I sort of knew what to do but with Elodie, I had a home birth. Well I didn't really have much choice considering the ambulance got caught up in road works. Tom and I had agreed not to tell anyone, apart from Harrison and Eva, until after the baby was born as we only wanted it to be us. Harrison and Eva had offered to look after Elodie when the time came so it was perfect that it was happening while they were here. Well not in this moment in time.

"How far apart are the contractions?" Tom asked me as he was on the phone to the hospital. "Um...I don't know" I replied while I was having another one. "3 minutes" Eva said quickly. "I've been timing it". "You're more prepared than I am" I tried to laugh. "I learnt from you and I gathered that you wouldn't be thinking of it in this moment" she said holding my hand as another contraction came. "I will return the favour when you go into labour" I said through gritted teeth. "I know you will" she laughed. "No her waters haven't broke yet" Tom said. I looked at him and he came to my side, holding my other hand. Harrison came in with Elodie in his arms. "Mummy, is the baby coming?" She asked. All I could do was nod. "Yay!" She cheered. "Y/n, I was going to take Elodie to the park" Harrison said. I nodded again because another contraction came. "Right come on darling, let's get you changed" Harrison said while going to Elodie's room.

"Okay thank you" Tom said while hanging up the phone. "What did they say?" I said quickly before squeezing their hands again. "We need to take you in" he said while getting up. "Oh shit" I mumbled. Tom went upstairs to go and get my hospital bag. I had had it pack for a good 2 months as I wanted to be prepared in case baby came early. "Y/n, it is going to be okay. You're going to do brilliantly!" Eva said while kissing my forehead. I smiled weakly. Tom came down stairs with Harrison and Elodie following. Elodie ran to me and gently gave me a hug. "I love you Mummy" she said before kissing me and then kissing my belly. I began to cry. The pain and Elodie's cuteness was over whelming. Tom and Harrison helped me up and into the car. "Please don't tell anyone" I said as I buckled up. "Promise".

We got to the hospital and they put us straight into a private room. My waters still hadn't broke but the pain was getting worse. They measured the baby's heart rate and it was perfectly fine. It was now a waiting game.

"I'm hungry" I said. We had been sat in hospital for 2 hours. "God, you sound like Elodie now" Tom laughed. "Well I am her mother" I laughed. Just as I finished laughing, my water broke. "Fuck" I whispered while moving a little. "Can you get a midwife please? My water has broken" I said. No sooner had I finished the sentence, Tom was out the door finding a midwife. I did giggle a little but then the pain got worse.

"Okay y/n, you are fully dilated so you will feel the need to push soon" the midwife said to me. "How soon as I think I need to now" I responded. "Perfect" She said. She walked over to get some gloves on and called for two more midwives to come in. Tom grabbed my hand and I squeezed it tightly. As the two other midwives came in, the first one said "Are you ready?". I nodded.

"Right y/n, I need you push" the midwife said. I squeezed Tom's hand and pushed as much as I could. "That's good. Now breathe and do the same again. You are doing so well". I took a breath and then pushed again. "You're doing fab darling" Tom said while kissing my head. I kept pushing. "Their head is out! Now pant for me y/n" the midwife said. I panted and panted and all of a sudden the pain was gone and I could hear crying. I breathed and started crying. "Congratulations! It's a boy!" The midwife beamed. Tom hugged me and cried into my hair. "Darling you did it once again. I love you". "I love you too".

"7lb 6oz" the midwife said while passing him over to me. I held him closely. "Hello sweetheart. You are gorgeous" I cooed at him. "Look at him" Tom said stroking his head. "Have you got a name?" The midwife asked. We both nodded. "Freddie Parker Holland" we both said.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now