Part 16

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"No! I am not wearing this!" Charlotte scoffed. "Why not?" I asked her. "Because it is horrible" she responded. "I like it" Eva piped up. "Are you for real?" Charlotte said looking surprised. "I like this colour and style" she said.

 "I like this colour and style" she said

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"Well I hate it. Please don't make me wear it y/n please" Charlotte begged. I started laughing. "I knew you wouldn't like it. I chose it for a laugh" I said laughing even more. Eva laughed too. "I hate it too" Eva laughed. "I went along with it" she added. "I hate you both" Charlotte said while storming off into the changing rooms. "No you don't, you love us!" I laughed even more.

After many "no's", "hell no's" and death stares, we finally all came to a decision. "Yes!" Myself, Eva, Charlotte and Elodie said in unison. "This is definitely the one!" Eva said looking at herself in the mirror. "Agreed!" Charlotte beamed. "Think these are the ones then" I said smiling widely. Charlotte and Eva went and took the dresses off. I had texted Elysia a picture and she replied with "😍😍". I got her size and I was holding her dress, ready to go with the others.

"Excuse me!" I said to one of the assistants

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"Excuse me!" I said to one of the assistants. "Yes Madam" she replied. "Is it possible if we could take these three dresses please?" I asked her. "Of course! Would that be all?" "No, we still have to look for my daughter" I smiled stroking Elodie's hair. "Of course my lovely. I will put these three behind the counter. Would you like help looking for your daughter?" She asked politely. "No thank you" I replied. "Okay if you need me, my name is Louise". "Thank you so much" I replied. "Right missy, now it's your turn" I turned to Elodie who was smiling widely.

"Mummy Mummy Mummy!" Elodie said running towards me with a dress dragging behind her. "Yes darling". I turned to her. "Please can I try this one?" She asked. "Of course darling". Before I could pick up my things, Elodie grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the changing rooms. "Elodie, be careful" I said. The baby was kicking me and running wasn't helping. "Sorry Mummy" she said slowing down. "Give me your hand darling" I said. Elodie gave me her hand and I placed it on my stomach. "Can you feel the baby kicking?" I asked her. Her eyes went wide with excitement. Eva and Charlotte came up behind us with my things. "Auntie Lottie! Auntie Eva! I felt the baby kicking!" She said excitedly. "Aww bless you!" Charlotte said smiling. "Now can I try on my dress?" Elodie said looking at me with pleading eyes. "Of course".

"Oh sweetheart! You look beautiful!" I said with tears in my eyes. "I like this one! Can I have it?" Elodie asked me. "I think you can darling". "Yay!". She ran out of the room and went to show Charlotte and Eva. "Elodie you look gorgeous!" Charlotte beamed. I walked out after with the biggest smile on my face. "Auntie Eva, do you like?" Elodie asked Eva. "Like? I love!" She beamed. I started crying. "Mummy why are you crying?" Elodie asked me worriedly. "Because you look beautiful sweetheart" I cried while picking her up. "Don't cry Mummy. You are beautiful too". I cried even more when she said that. Elodie always melted my heart.

"And we would like this one too please!" I said to Louise after I got Elodie changed

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"And we would like this one too please!" I said to Louise after I got Elodie changed. "Of course. Would that be all?" Louise asked. "Yes thank you!" I replied. I got out my purse and followed Louise to the checkout. "I'll pay for mine y/n" Eva said following behind me with Elodie on her hip. "No you won't" I said. "I'm paying for all the bridal things and Tom is paying for all the grooms things" I added. "Are you sure?" Eva asked. "100%". Louise put all the dresses into dress bags so we didn't crease them. "Thank you!" I said to Louise.

After I paid, we went to put the dresses into the car and then we made our way to go and get some food. "Can we go to Waggas?" Elodie asked. We looked at her confused. "That place Mummy" she said pointing. "Wagamama!" I said laughing. "Yeah!" She said. "I love you so much Elodie!" I said laughing while kissing her cheek.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now