Part 28

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"MUMMY WAKE UP! YOU AND DADDY ARE GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" Elodie shouted in my ear. "Shhhh, let me sleep more" I groaned while turning over. "No Mummy!" Elodie said tickling me. "Even baby wants you to get up" she added. "Okay I'm up princess" I laughed while turning to face her. Elodie cuddled into me. It was the sweetest thing ever. "When the baby is here, I'm going to give them all my dummies" she said. "You are so cute, do you know that?" I said tickling her. "I do" she giggled.

"Good morning" Mum said excitedly as I walked into the living room. "Morning" I said tiredly. "Excited?" Elysia said giving me a hug. "Yeah! But why am I up this early? The wedding is in 7 hours" I said. They all laughed. "Yes, but your hair and makeup has to be done" Charlotte said. "Which I'm doing" I responded while drinking my cuppa. "You need to shower" Eva laughed. "Which won't take long" I laughed too. "Y/n, why don't you go back to bed for a couple more hours" Nikki said helping me off the sofa. "Thank you" I said. I got back into bed when my phone went off. It was a text from Tom.

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I smiled

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I smiled. I put my phone back on the side and fell back to back to sleep.

"Y/n" I heard someone whisper. I grunted. "It's only 3 hours until the wedding now". I opened my eyes and turned over and saw Elysia sat on the end of the bed with a cup of tea and some pancakes. "Ooo thank you" I said sitting up. "Are you excited?" Elysia asked me. "I am yes! Nervous though" I admitted. "Don't be nervous. It is going to be the best day ever!" She said smiling. I shoved a huge piece of pancake in my mouth. "Right, I'm going to have a shower. Leave the pancakes there as I will finish eating them after. Also can you make sure no one comes in? I just want peace and quiet before all the fun starts!" I laughed. "Of course! Call if you need anything!" Elysia laughed while walking out the door. I got up and walked to the shower. I rubbed my stomach. "I'm marrying your's and your sisters Daddy today" I smiled.

I walked out of the bathroom and was greeted by Tessa sprawled out on the bed. I walked over and rubbed her behind her ears. "Are you excited girl?" I cooed at her. She brung one of her paws up and put it on my stomach. "They love you too Tess" I smiled widely.

I looked at the time. Shit! 2 hours to go! I shoved more pancake into my mouth, then started drying my hair and styling it.

It didn't take me long

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It didn't take me long. I had always loved doing my own hair so I wanted to do it today. Everyone said I should of got a hairdresser to come over so the stress was taken off me but I always found it comforting doing it myself. It was simple but then I was a simple person. I then did my makeup and that took me a little while longer.

My makeup was also simple but I wanted to look perfect for Tom

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My makeup was also simple but I wanted to look perfect for Tom.

After my hair and makeup was perfect, I put my dress on. I stood in front of the mirror and smiled. Not going to lie, I think I looked beautiful.

Suddenly a knock came on the door

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Suddenly a knock came on the door. "Come in" I said. The door opened and Mum came in. She saw me and started to cry. "Y/n darling, you look beautiful". "Thank you Mum" I cried even more. "I'm so proud of you". She hugged me and we cried together. "Good job I put waterproof mascara on" I laughed. "Shall we go and show everyone?" She said. I nodded and we both walked out together.

"Omg y/n" everyone said in awe. I think everyone was in tears. Even Dom was. "Tom is very lucky to have you" Nikki cried giving me a hug. "I'm the lucky one" I cried back. "Right, come on bridesmaids, let's get a picture and then we will make our way to the church" Mum said. Elysia, Charlotte, Eva and Elodie all got in and smiled. After the picture was taken, Elodie looked up at me. "Mummy, you look pretty. I'm so glad you are my Mummy". She hugged my legs. I cried even more. "I'm so happy you are my daughter. I love you princess". I hugged her as best as I could but I couldn't bend down very well. "And I love you Mummy". Mum, Elodie, Nikki, Charlotte, Elysia and Eva all got into the wedding car. "Hang on a minute, I just want to speak to y/n" my Dad went. He came to me and hugged me tightly. "You look stunning and I can't believe I said I was going to miss this. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Don't tell anyone but you are my favourite" he said crying and laughing. "I love you Dad". "And I love you too". We hugged a bit longer then he got Tessa and got into the car. We had to include Tessa into our big day! Now it was just Dom and I. "Y/n, I'm proud to call you my daughter-in-law" he cried. "Thank you" I replied trying not to cry again. "Lets go" He said as we made our way to the wedding car.

When we arrived, everyone was stood outside. When I got out, the photographer took some pictures then went inside. Mum and Nikki followed him and so did Dad. We walked up to the door and positioned ourselves. The bridesmaids music started playing, the doors opened and they started walking down the isle. When they finished, my music started playing. "Ready?" Dom asked as he held his arm out. "Yes!" I said excitedly taking it.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now