Part 42

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"Right, I think that's everything" I mumbled while checking Freddie's bag. Today was our sibling day out and Freddie was coming with us as I had to breastfeed him. Elodie was spending the day with Tom and they were going to go and pick up Zendaya, Jacob and Laura from the airport. They were coming over as they were starting to film Spider-Man: Far From Home tomorrow. I was excited but Tom felt guilty because he was leaving me on my own with two children from dawn to dusk. "Tom darling, if you don't go, I swear to god I will not be happy. I need another movie and I need to know what happened to you after Infinity War" I pouted. He just laughed. "But I feel bad for leaving you" he said. "Tom. I will be fine. And if I need help, I'll have your parents" I grinned passing him Freddie. "Promise?" He said. "Promise".

"Have fun you two and be good for Daddy" I said bending down and kissing Elodie. "Always am" she replied. I just laughed. I then kissed Tom. "I love you". "Love you too. Have fun you three" he said as Elodie and him waved us off. "Will do!" Harrison smiled. I buckled Freddie in and then climbed into the back. Charlotte sat in the front and Harrison was driving. "Where are we going?" Charlotte asked. "The beach" Harrison replied. Charlotte and I squealed in excitement.

Tom's POV:
"Can you see them darling?" I asked Elodie. We were at the airport waiting for Zendaya, Laura and Jacob. Elodie was sat on my shoulders looking for them. "I SEE THEM! DADDY I SEE THEM!" She shouted. I started laughing. "ZEN! ZEN!" She shouted to Zendaya. She couldn't pronounce Zendaya so Elodie just called her Zen. I saw them too. There was photographers everywhere and they tried to take pictures of me but I gave them a stern look because I had Elodie. "Elodie princess! How are you?" Zendaya said as she came closer. I put Elodie down and she ran straight to Zendaya. "Zen!" She said excitedly. She picked her up and swung her around. Laura and Jacob came up to me and hugged me. "Tom! How are you?" Laura smiled. "Good thank you! Tired though" I laughed. "I bet bro! How is little Freddie?" Jacob asked me. "Really well thank you. He is with y/n today. Y/n, Haz and Charlotte have gone on a sibling day out today". I have a little frown. "Ah. And how do you think it's going to go?" Laura asked. "Well, I think it will go well but their mother is bound to wiggle her way in" I said. They rolled their eyes. They also knew what she was like. "Ah, how is Daddy Tom?" Zendaya asked. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "I'm good thank you. You?" I replied. "Yeah good thank you". She was carrying Elodie. "Everyone ready to go?" I asked. They all nodded.

Your POV:
"Seriously Haz. How old are you?" Charlotte laughed. We were in a shop by the beach because Harrison wanted to get us all bucket and spades. "I'm 22 and I'm loving life. Problem?" He said trying to be serious. "No problem here, right Lottie?" I laughed. "Yeah, no problem at all" she responded while rocking Freddie in her arms. He had just been fed and burped and now he was tired again so Charlotte was trying to get him back to sleep. "Good. Now what colour bucket and spade do you two want?" Harrison asked. We just laughed.

"Haz, are you seriously making us do this? Can't we go shopping or get ice cream like normal teenagers and adults?" Charlotte laughed. We were now on the beach and Harrison wanted us to build sand castles. "Lottie, I don't think we are going to get anywhere" I laughed. Freddie was in his pushchair asleep next to me and I was sat on the sand. Harrison was sat the other side of the pushchair and Charlotte was opposite us. "Can I asked you two a question?" She asked. "Of course" I said, piling sand in my bucket. "Do you two wish I wasn't your sister?".

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now