Part 4

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The sun was bright as it shone through the hotel window. I was admiring my ring when the sun caught it. The reflection was mesmerising. I still couldn't believe everything that happened last night. I said yes to marrying the love of my life and my god didn't we have the best sex to celebrate. Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts by a pair of arms wrapping around my waist. "Good morning beautiful" Tom sleepily said into my neck. "Good morning handsome" I smiled. I turned over to face him. He gave me a lustful kiss. "Down tiger, I haven't got enough energy for round two" I giggled. "You won't have to do anything. I would do all the work" he said while kissing down my body. "No Tom" I said laughing. "We need to get back and tell Elodie". "Please". He then gave me his puppy dog eyes. I got up and straddled him. I could feel him getting hard. "Well if you are good all day, you might be lucky tonight" I said licking my lips while getting off him. "Ooo can't wait!" He said running after me. I don't think he was going to wait until tonight.

Finally, we left the hotel after another steamy make out session. "Elodie is going to be so happy" I said admiring my ring. I hadn't stopped looking at it since Tom put it on my finger. "I know. I cannot wait to see her face when we tell her" he said holding my hand. "Um I was thinking. As seen as we are getting married and I will become a Holland" I started. "Yeah" Tom answered while parking the car in the driveway. "And you are the best Father to Elodie, how would feel about adopting her?" I said. Tom stopped and looked at me. "Seriously?" He asked with tears forming in his eyes. I nodded, not able to speak. "Y/n, yes! Yes! A million percent yes!" He cried grabbing me into a hug. We were both crying until a knock came on the window. We pulled away and saw Elodie waving happily. Harrison was carrying her. I waved back to her and got out the car. "Hello gorgeous girly. Did you have a fun time with Uncle Haz?" I said while picking her up. She had wriggled out of Harrison's grip and ran over to me. "Yes! We ate ice cream before di..." she started but then stopped. "Oops...I'm not meant to tell you" she giggled. "Sowwy Uncle Haz" she said looking over to him and pouting. "It's okay monkey. It was nice chocolate ice cream though wasn't it?" He laughed tickling her. "Anyway, Daddy and I have something to tell you" I said carrying her inside. "Ooo what is it mummy?" She smiled excitedly. Tom came and sat down next to us. "Well darling, Mummy and I are getting married" he said smiling. "Does that mean I get to wear a pretty dress?" She asked. We all laughed. "Yes darling it does, but that also means that you and I will take Daddy's last name. If you want to". I started to cry. "Seriously?" Harrison asked tearing up as well. I nodded. "So, if you want to, your name will be Elodie Rose Holland" Tom said holding Elodie's hand. "Yes please" She said crawling into his lap and hugging him tightly. Tom started to cry. "I love you Elodie". "I love you too Daddy" she said kissing his cheek. "Guys! I'm so happy for you! I mean your engagement is amazing but this...this is the best!" Harrison said hugging me while crying. "Thank you Haz!". "Right well we need to tell the family" Tom said hugging Harrison. "Thank you mate" Tom said still crying.

"I'm hungry!!" Elodie shouted running around the house. "You've just eaten!" Harrison laughed. "Yeah but I'm hungry" she said jumping on his back. It was a couple hours later and we were getting ready to go to Mum's for dinner. Everyone was going to be there so it was a perfect time to tell them. "Uncle Haz, can we have biscuits again tonight please?" Elodie said while Harrison was giving her a piggy back. "Elodie!" Harrison laughed. He went bright red. "Harrison!" I laughed. "What! I was treating her, wasn't I princess?" Harrison said tickling her now. "You're the best Uncle Haz! Mummy and Daddy need to go away more" she said while laughing. "Well, if that's the case, let's go y/n" Tom said grabbing my hand while laughing. Elodie started crying hysterically and holding onto Harrison for dear life. "Aww sweetie, they are only kidding" Harrison said trying to calm her down. I don't think she meant for us to go right away. "Darling, it's okay. We aren't going away again. Not for a little while" Tom said stroking her hair. "Hey hey hey! Not for a little while? What's that suppose to mean?" I laughed smacking the back of his head. "Ow!" He said rubbing it. I lent down and inaudibly whispered in his ear, "I guess you won't be getting that special treatment again then". "Are we going or not?" I laughed while getting everyone's coat. "Fooood!" Elodie shouted again while running out the door after Tessa.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now