Part 19

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I shouted to Tom as I walked through the bedroom door. I had got up a little earlier to make him a fry up. He always loves a good fry up. He started stirring as I placed the tray down on the bedside table. I then carefully jumped on him. "Y/n!" He said while laughing. "Tom!" I said mimicking him. "Thank you so much beautiful" he said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek. "Now for your present!" I squealed excitedly. "I think you're more excited about my birthday than I am!" Tom laughed while sitting up in bed. I gave him his breakfast while I went downstairs to get his present.

As I was making my way downstairs, I pulled my phone out and texted Nikki.

"Fab!" I thought to myself

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"Fab!" I thought to myself. I got Tom's present and made my way back upstairs. Considering I was 6 months pregnant, I wasn't waddling as much as I was when I was pregnant with Elodie. Suppose that is good. I opened the bedroom door and Tom was laid on the bed smiling. "What are you smiling at birthday boy?" I asked him. "Just thinking about how lucky I am to have such an amazing fiancée, a gorgeous daughter and a beautiful baby on the way" he said. I smiled too. "I think I'm the lucky one" I said climbing on top of him and hugging him tightly. "Anyway as much as I would love to stay like this all day, here is your present" I said giving it to him while sitting up. "It's not much" I said as he opened it. "Oh y/n. This is amazing" he said as he pulled me into a hug. I had got him a ring. But not just any ring. A Spider-Man one.

"I didn't know what to get you and I wanted it to be special" I said hugging him back

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"I didn't know what to get you and I wanted it to be special" I said hugging him back. "It is special thank you. I love you" He said while kissing me. "Look on the inside" I whispered. He looked at me confusingly. "Just look!" I laughed. He did and he started to cry. I had engraved mine and Elodie's initials into it. E.R.H (Elodie Rose Holland) and Y/N.Y/M/N.H (your name, your middle name, Holland). "And there is also space to engrave the baby's name too" I said while starting to cry. "Y/n, I...It's perfect".

After all the crying and admiring over the ring, we finally got ready. All of us had planned a surprised party for Tom at Nikki and Dom's house. Nikki and Mum were preparing the food, Harry, Sam, Harrison and Paddy were in charge of the music, Dom and Dad were in charge of the games and Elysia, Elodie, Charlotte and now Eva were in charge of the decorations. I offered to help but they said just to keep Tom distracted. Plus they said I needed a break considering I was doing all the wedding planning. Which by the way is in two weeks! "Right ready to go?" I asked Tom as I walked out of the room. He wolf whistled. I began to blush. "You look beautiful and may I add, sexy" he said putting his hands on my waist. "Well you look handsome yourself" I replied intertwining my hands around his neck. He kissed me then we made our way out the door. Tom held Tessa's lease while I texted Nikki to say that we were on our way. Tom didn't suspect a thing. I had told him we were all going out for a slap up meal in a nice restaurant and that we had to meet at his parents house. He agreed. The dress code for the party was "Posh clothes" so it was a good excuse to get Tom to wear a suit. We decided to walk as I knew he would be drinking and well I could hardly fit behind the wheel of a car anymore. It was struggle when I had to. Nikki texted me back and said everyone was in position. As we approached the door, the baby starting kicking. I grabbed Tom's hand and placed it on my stomach. "Happy birthday Daddy" I said. Eventually Tom knocked on the door. "IT'S OPEN" Nikki shouted. Tom opened the door and as he walked in, everyone shouted "SURPRISE".

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now