Part 20

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"Is all this for me?" Tom asked as tears were falling down his face. I started crying too. "Yes it is" I replied. He hugged me tightly. "Thank you" He said to everyone. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!" Elodie shouted while running to Tom. "Aww thank you beautiful" he replied while kissing her cheek. "Can you open my present Daddy please?" She excitedly said. "Not yet darling. We will be doing presents soon though" I said. Tom put Elodie down and went and hugged everyone. "Happy birthday son" Nikki cried. She couldn't believe that her oldest son was getting older. She told me "it only seems like yesterday Tom was born. Him wrapped up in an orange blanket in my arms" she smiled. "And now he's getting married, got a beautiful daughter and another child on the way. It's perfect".

"Happy birthday Tom" my parents said in unison. "Thank you Mr and Mrs Osterfield". "Happy birthday!" Charlotte said hugging Tom. "Thanks Lottie". "Bro! Happy birthday!" Harry, Sam and Elysia said in unison. "Thanks guys". "Tom! Happy birthday!" Paddy said running and hugging him. "Cheers Padster man" Tom said hugging him back. "Happy birthday man" Harrison and Eva said. "Thank you so much guys" he said hugging them both. "Son, happy birthday" Dom said patting Tom on the back. "Cheers Dad!". "PRESENTS!" Elodie shouted. We all laughed.

Tom's POV:
I couldn't believe this was all for me. I couldn't believe that my whole family organised this. This is why I love them all. It was lovely that everyone was there. Including y/n's family. As soon as I walked in and everyone shouted surprise, I was surprised. This was the best birthday present ever. I went around and thanked everyone while they wished me a happy birthday. I was all hugged out but it was worth it. We decided to do presents, well I say we, Elodie was itching to give me her present. "Daddy please open mine!" She said while jumping up and down holding the present. "Okay okay. Let me sit down darling" I said laughing. I went to sit next to y/n. She sat down when we got in. I knew she was tired and exhausted but she never let on she was. I wanted her to rest before our big day in two weeks. When I sat down next to her, I held her hand and whispered in her ear "please take it easy today. I know you're exhausted". She squeezed my hand and gave me a smile. She felt guilty I could see it. "Right, where is my present then monkey?" I said laughing.

"Oh Elodie darling, it is beautiful!" I beamed while looking at the picture she had drawn for me. "That's me and that's you" she said pointing to the drawing. "I love it. Thank you" I smiled while kissing her forehead. "That's not all!" She said while running off. She came running back with another present in her hand. "Darling slow down" y/n laughed. Elodie passed me the present and I opened it. "Princess, this is the best present ever!" I cried. It was a photo of Elodie and I from when we went suit shopping. "I love you Daddy. Please don't cry" she said hugging me. "I love you too darling".

It took an hour for me to open all my presents. Mum and Dad had gotten me the limited addition Spider-Man comics and money, Sam, Harry and Elysia all chipped in and bought me the Spider-Man Homecoming comic with Peter Parker looking like me, Harrison and Eva got me tickets to go and watch golf and Mr and Mrs Osterfield and Charlotte had brought me and y/n tickets to go on baby moon to Cornwall before the little one arrives. They are even looking after Elodie for us. I was so grateful for all the presents. I truly had the best family. "Thank you everyone" I said while I hugged them all. "Now time for the games and food!" Sam said fist pumping the air. We all did laugh.

Your POV:
While everyone was eating and playing games, I asked Dom quietly if I could have a word with him. "You okay y/n?" He asked me as we went out in the back garden. Tessa was running around chasing the birds and a squirrel. "Yeah I'm good thank you. Um...I didn't want to ask you in front of everyone as I know there is going to be an argument about it, but you have been more like a Dad to me over the past 5 years than my own Dad has. I mean he is a good Dad but I want you to do this. Will you do me the honour of walking me down the isle?" I asked him. "Oh y/n! It would be an honour" he said beginning to cry. "Thank you!" I said hugging him. "And I won't tell anyone yet" he said pulling away. "Thank you. I just want Tom to have an amazing day today" I replied. We made our way back in just as Nikki said "Turn the lights off". We were doing Tom's cake. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Tom/Daddy, happy birthday to you" we all sang. "Thank you so much!" He said after blowing the candles out. "Make a wish" I whispered to him. "I couldn't wish for anything better than all of this darling" he replied.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now