Part 46

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-4 months later-
"Oh Harrison, Eva, she's beautiful" I cried as I held my niece for the first time. "Eva did brilliantly. Just like you y/n, when you had Elodie and Freddie" Harrison beamed, kissing Eva on the head. "There was no doubt that you would be amazing" I said smiling at Eva. "Well, I don't think I could of done it without you telling me to breathe y/n" Eva laughed. "I was returning the favour, plus you were panicking because Harrison needed to hurry up" I laughed. "That is true" she smiled. Tom and Harrison were filming when Eva went into labour. Put it this way, Harrison made it with at least 2 minutes to spare.

"So, what is this cutie called?" Tom asked while I passed her to him. "You tell them Haz" Eva beamed. "Kaisey Alaya Osterfield" Harrison said with a tear falling down his cheek. "Hello Kaisey. I am your Uncle Tom and Spider-Man is better" he said whispering the last part. "Oi!" Harrison snarled. "I'm kidding. Kaisey, Batman is better, in your Daddy's eyes". Harrison just rolled his eyes and laughed.

Elodie and Freddie loved their new cousin. Freddie was 4 months old and Elodie turned 3 a month ago. Elodie was jealous at first, but then she got use to her. Charlotte loved her too and so did Dad. They had all come earlier to come and see them and then went as Elodie was getting hungry. When Eva went into labour, Dad and Charlotte came and picked up Elodie and Freddie while I went to the hospital.   Mum went back to Australia and none of us heard from her again.

"Do you need anything?" I asked before we left. "A change of clothes please" Eva said. "Of course" I said giving her a hug and giving Kaisey one last kiss. "See you later gorgeous" I whispered. "Bye bye Auntie y/n" Harrison said mimicking a baby's voice. "Love you all" I said walking out of the door. "Can you believe we have a neice?" I asked Tom as we walked hand in hand out to the car. He shook his head. "I can't but I am loving it". He stopped outside the car and grabbed me and kissed me. "I want more children" he blurted out. "So do I" I smiled and kissed him harder.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now