Part 23

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The sun was hot. The hottest it's probably ever been. I walked back to the flat and prepared myself to say sorry. As I walked though the door, Elodie came running up to me. "Mummy, we are going to Legoland" she beamed. "Sounds like fun!" I said in excitement. She then ran off back to Paddy. I went into the kitchen and found Tom. "I'm sorry" I said while hugging him. "It's okay. I know you're tired and I know you're stressing out about everything, but I'm here okay" he went while kissing my head. "I love you" I whispered. "I love you too".

"Right, is everything packed?" I asked as we were getting ready to leave. "Yep!" Everyone said in unison. I had made a picnic for us all to have while we were there. Tom and Harrison packed the car while Paddy kept Elodie entertained. Suddenly, Harrison came running into the living room. "Mum and Dad are coming and Dad looks angry" he said panting. "Oh crap. Um Paddy..." I started. "I'll take Elodie into her room, blast some music and keep her occupied" he finished. "Thank you" I said while kissing his head. "Come on Elodie, I want to see who is best at dancing" he said while holding Elodie's hand and going to her room. "Do not leave me Haz" I said starting to panic. "Y/n, calm down okay. Tom and I will be right beside you" Harrison said grabbing my hands to stop them from shaking.

Right on cue, Tom came in, followed by my parents. Tom looked worried. "Hello! How are you?" I said trying to sound cheery. "Don't be nice with me y/n! I'm the father of the bride and you are not letting me walk you down the isle!" He said angrily. "I wanted Dom too!". I could feel myself getting angry and there was no stopping it. "When Haz and I came back over, who was there for us? Dom! When I got pregnant with Elodie, who was there? Dom was! You disowned me for the first part of my pregnancy and then when you came over, I forgave you! Not for me, but for Elodie! Now I'm sorry if you don't like my decision but tough because it's my day and my decision!" I said holding myself back. Tom grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. "Well, just to be clear, I'm not going to be there on your wedding day" Dad said while holding back the tears. He knew I was right. I couldn't hold it anymore. "Fine by me!" I said crying. "Dad, are you seriously not coming to your daughters wedding just because your not walking her down the isle?" Harrison asked. "Don't bother Haz. If he doesn't want to come then he doesn't have to" I said turning to go to Elodie's room. "Y/n!" Mum said while grabbing my hand. "I understand and I respect your decision". "Thank you Mum" I said hugging her. "I'm exciting that Dom is giving you away" she whispered. I pulled away and walked to Elodie's room still crying. I then heard the door slam shut. How did they find out?

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now