Part 39

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"Awh Freddie. You're much calmer than your sister was when we were getting her dressed" I cooed. It was 6 hours later and we were finally going home. I was getting Freddie dressed while Tom was sorting Elodie out. I had the most cutest homecoming outfit for him to wear.

As I was putting the outfit on, Elodie came running in

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As I was putting the outfit on, Elodie came running in. "Mummy, can I help please?" She asked. "Of course sweetie". Tom put her on the bed and she gently helped me dress Freddie. When we dressed him, Freddie took Elodie's finger and held it. "Looks like someone loves you Elodie" I smiled while trying not to cry.

We said goodbye and thank you to everyone and then we were on our way home. When we got home, Mum, Dad and Charlotte were outside waiting. "They can't even let us settle in" I moaned slightly. "Don't worry, it will be fine" Tom said stroking my hand. We parked up and got out. "Hello darling!" Mum said coming up and hugging me. "Hello" I said hugging her back. "So where is he?" She asked excitedly. "Mum, let us get in first" I said laughing a little. "Right, yeah sorry. I'm just excited" she responded. I just smiled. I went to get Elodie out, but Dad got there before me. "Sweetie, no lifting" Dad said while getting Elodie out. "Hi grandpa" she said. "Hello poppet. How are you?" Dad asked her. "Good thank you. Look at Freddie" she said pointing to the car seat. Tom had got Freddie out and was opening the door. "Oh y/n. Freddie is a beautiful name" Mum said coming up to hug me again. Charlotte had a tear rolling down her cheek and Dad was trying not to cry too.

"Where's Tessa?" Charlotte asked as we sat down on the sofa. "Haz and Eva are looking after her" I said while unbuckling Freddie. I picked him up and passed him to Charlotte. "Hello handsome" she cooed at him. "I want a cuddle" Mum said walking towards Charlotte. "And you'll get your turn in a minute" I said getting angry. "Darling, let Charlotte have a cuddle first" Dad said pulling Mum back. Mum went and sat down but you could tell she was angry. I couldn't take it any longer. "Why are you angry Mum?" I snapped. She looked over at me. "This is my first grandson and I want a cuddle" she snapped back. "And this is my first nephew so what's the difference?" Charlotte asked. "Look Mum, you don't see Dad moaning do you?" I said while trying to keep my cool. "Harrison is going to let me be the first to hold his child" she mumbled. "Well good for Harrison. You've favoured him from day one and you are more excited about his child than you were about Elodie and Freddie. I'm not dealing with this now so please leave" I said standing up and pointing to the door. "Y/n, pl..." she started. "No! I've had enough of your bullshit. Leave!". She looked at Dad and gave a "come on" look but he stood up and walked over to me and sat down. Charlotte didn't move either. Mum walked out and slammed the door shut which caused Freddie to start screaming. Dad took him out of Charlottes arms and comforted him. "It's okay, grandpas here".

Tom came downstairs with Elodie. He came in the living room and saw that Mum was gone. I shook my head and he got the message. "Mummy, this is for you" Elodie said as she came running to me with a present in her hand. "Oh darling. Thank you" I said as I took it from her. I opened it and it was a necklace. "Elodie, this is perfect" I said starting to cry. She kissed me on the cheek. "Also this is for Freddie" she said handing me another present. I opened it and it was a little blue knitted hat. It was beautiful. "This is gorgeous" I bawled. I hugged her. "I love you". "I love you too".

A couple hours later and Dad and Charlotte had left. It was just myself, Tom, Elodie and Freddie. Harrison said he would have Tessa for as long as we liked. I was grateful. Also Nikki, Dom and everyone had texted and said that they would be round tomorrow to meet Freddie. They wanted to make sure we were settled in first. It was 8pm and Elodie was asleep on Tom and Freddie was asleep on me. "Can you believe we are a family of 4?" Tom asked me. I shook my head. It was surreal. But it was amazing.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now