Part 27

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"Have you got everything?" I asked Tom and Harrison. It was the day before the wedding and we were going to spend it with each other, but our families had other ideas. "Right, Tom, Harrison and the boys can go around Nikki's house and the girls are coming around here!" Mum said excitedly. "It's all arranged!" Nikki added. "But I want to stay and spend the day with y/n" Tom whined. "Tough. It's all arranged now and we feel bad that you two haven't had a hen party or a stag do" Nikki said. "B..." I started to say. "No buts. Now come on Tom, let's go!" Harrison said. "You knew too?" Tom gasped. "Yep! Now come on!". "Alright! Can I at least have some time alone with y/n?" He asked. Everyone rolled their eyes. "Fine. 2 minutes" Harrison went. They all left the room. "How about we sneak out the back and go on an adventure. Just you, me and Elodie?" Tom whispered. "Sounds like a plan!" I whispered back. We picked up our stuff and went and got Elodie who was having a nap. Tom picked her up and luckily she was still sleeping. We quietly went to the back door and snuck down the fire escape. Thankfully, the night before, we parked the car in our garage so when we left, no one would see where we went.

Together, we both had 50 missed notifications from everyone. We didn't care though. We wanted to spend the day together and that's what we planned on doing. We also turned off our location so no one could find us. Elodie had woken up and was telling us how excited she was for tomorrow. "Daddy, is my name going to change tomorrow then?" She asked Tom. "No darling. Only Mummy's but yours will change next week, if you still want it to?" He answered. "Yes! I want to be Elodie Rose Holland" she said clapping her hands. I laughed and smiled. "The Holland's" I muttered. "It has a nice ring to it" I added. Tom put his hand on my belly. "This little one will be my baby number 2" he said while looking at the road. "Why number 2?" I questioned. "Because Elodie is my baby number 1" he smiled.

We didn't really know where we were going so we decided to go on a Magical Mystery Tour. On our way, we found a quiet pub. "Shall we stop in here?" Tom asked. "If you want. It looks nice" I replied. "Yes! Food!" Elodie screamed in excitement. "As per usual" Tom laughed. We got out and went and found a table. It was completely quiet. There were two other people and us. "I brought over a high chair. I'm not sure if you wanted it but just in case" a waitress said to us. "Thank you so much. And we will definitely need it with this little monkey" Tom chuckled. Elodie looked at the waitress and smiled. "You are so cute! What's your name?" She asked Elodie. "Elodie. What is yours?" Elodie replied. "Maggie". "Nice to meet you Maggie. I'm Tom and this is y/n". "Nice to meet you too. I know about you two and can I just say congratulations on your engagement and your pregnancy" she said shaking our hands. "Thank you so much!" I beamed. "Anyway, I'll leave you to look at the menus. Would you like any drinks?" Maggie asked. "Please can I have a Diet Coke" I answered. "The same for me please" Tom added. "And what would you like Elodie?" Maggie asked her. "Can I have an orange juice please?" Elodie asked. "Of course you can. I'll be right back with them" she said while walking off. "I like her" I said while putting Elodie into the high chair.

"What would you like darling?" Tom asked Elodie. "There is Chicken Nuggets, chips and peas, sausage and mash, chicken dippers or spaghetti?" He asked her. "Noodles" please!" She said excitedly. "No problem beautiful" Tom said kissing her cheek and laughing. She couldn't quite pronounce Spaghetti yet so she just said noodles. I loved the relationship that they had. It was perfect in every way. "Here's your drinks. Are you ready to order?" Maggie asked while putting our drinks in front of us. "Thank you. Please can Elodie have the spaghetti and could I have the Chicken burger please" Tom said. "Of course". "And could I have the chicken burger as well please?" I asked. "No problem. Would you like any sides?". "Extra chips, coleslaw, onion rings and cheesy garlic bread please" I added. Tom looked at me in shock. "What, baby is hungry" I said. Maggie laughed. "I was like that when I was pregnant" she laughed. "And now I have a 10 year old who loves to eat everything!". We all laughed.

"My goodness, you were hungry" Tom said as I finished the last onion ring off. Between us, we had demolished all of the food. Elodie helped us though. "Can I have ice cream please?" She asked. "Of course princess, what flavour?" I asked. "Chocolate" she answered. "As always then" I smiled. "All finished?" Maggie asked us as she came over. "Yes thank you" Tom responded. "Would you like an des..." she started but before she could finish, Elodie butted in and shouted 'CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM PLEASE!". "Of course. Anything else?" She asked while laughing. "Treacle tart please!" Tom said. "And a chocolate ice cream sundae please!" I added. "Coming right up!".

After we finished our dessert, we paid the bill and said goodbye to Maggie. "Thank you so much Maggie" I said giving her a hug. "You're welcome. Goodbye Elodie" she said shaking Elodie's hand. Elodie ran and gave her a hug. "You're so cute!" She beamed. "Thank you again and here take this" Tom said giving her £100 tip. "Oh no, I cannot take this" she said. "Yes you can and you will" I said while walking out. "Thank you so much!" She said.

We got into the car and went on another Magical Mystery Tour. Tom's phone rang for the millionth time so I finally answered it. "Sorry but the Holland's are unavailable as they are enjoying a day out together. They will be back when they are back" I said in my best voicemail voice. I then cut off. Tom was laughing. "What! They were annoying me" I laughed.

We were out all day. We found a park and took Elodie on the swings and slide. She enjoyed it very much. We then found a cafe and had afternoon tea. Elodie liked the cakes but then saying that, so did I. We finally decided it was time to go home and face the music. As we approached our drive way, we saw that everyone was still there. "Hear we go" I laughed. We got out the car and as soon as we put the key in the door, Harrison flung the door open and had a very stern look on his face. Tom, Elodie and myself just laughed. Tom turned to me and kissed me. "See you tomorrow gorgeous". "See you tomorrow handsome" I grinned while kissing him back. Tom then kissed Elodie. "See you tomorrow princess" he said kissing her cheek. "Love you Daddy" she said kissing him back. "Love you Miss Osterfield" "And I love you too Mr Holland" I laughed. "Right are you boys coming or are you going to keep me waiting?" Tom said. I laughed so much. "Well you've been keeping us waiting for 8 hours!" All the boys went while leaving. "See you tomorrow y/n". "Bye guys!" I said while shutting the door. I walked into the living room and all the girls were sat there. Even Charlotte. "What!" I laughed. I put Elodie down and she immediately ran to Eva. Charlotte got up and came and spoke to me. "I'm so sorry y/n. I do respect your decision. I love you" She cried. "And I love you too" I hugged her. "Right! Who is ready to partay?!" Elysia said. "Me!" Everyone cheered. This was perfect. I was so excited for tomorrow to become Mrs Holland.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now