chapter 21

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the next couple of days we all were busy planning the magcon trip. it was really confusing. i stayed close to Hayes when everyone was talking. me and Jessica began to pack what we had and agree on what sort of stuff we were gonna see.

"so, i heard about the whole hate thing." Jessica says.

"yeah. i guess that they don't like me but what ever. there were some nice ones to."

"yeah. i know how you feel. when i started dating Nash everyone was giving me hate to. they are just jealous that a famous and pretty awesome guy has fallen for you. don't worry about a thing. okay?" she says and i nod. she's right this will probably blow over in no time.

once Jess and i packed everything Hayes and Nash helped us pack them into the limo. we had another hour until the big trip. we were going to Nashville first and then flying all the way to Toronto, Canada. i'm not gonna lie, i'm pretty excited. we all get in the limo and begin to talk about the trip.

"hey Chris," Hayes says, "listen the crowds can get a little loud and totally crazy so stay close to me. i don't want you to be, well, whats the word i'm looking for?"

"frightened!" Nash screams out of no where laughing his head off.

"that's it. frightened. i don't want you to be frightened. thank you Nash." Hayes says smiling.

"what?" Nash says confused.

"never mind." Hayes says laughing. "you wanna see something cool?"

"um, sure." i say. Hayes stands up opens the roof and pokes his head through the ceiling. i began to laugh.

"Hayes you blithering fool! that's my thing." Nash yells and pushes Hayes over to take his place. "WOOHOO!!"

i laugh and Hayes sits up smirking. "Nash hole" he says under his breath. i couldn't help but laugh. we arrive at the airport to see like maybe 500 fans. they were all screaming. Hayes was smiling then he turned to me. "ready?"  i nod and we get out of the car. a couple security guards come over to us and grab our bags.

i keep my head down trying not to think of all the hate being yelled to me.

"ew! look at that ugly bitch!"

"she doesn't deserve Hayes!"

"hey, don't listen to them. if any one doesn't deserve any one it would be me. okay?" Hayes whispers into my ear. i nod trying to blink away the tears that had welled up in my eyes. Hayes then grabs my hand and locks our fingers together. i smile weakly and keep walking. we board the plane and find our seats.

i sat beside Hayes. he let me have the window seat of course and i layed my head against the window. the plane began to move and of course i began to panic. i've never been on a plane before.

"oh, no." i say over and over again.

"hey, Chris, listen to me it'll be fine. have you ever been on a plane before?" Hayes asks.

"what the hell does it look like?" i say in between gasps. "i'm not ready for this. what if we crash?"

"we wont." he says reassuringly.

"well, what if the pilot had to much to drink last night and makes the plane fall into the pacific ocean?" i say freaking out even more now.

"Chris that's ridiculous. first of all the pilots are tested before they fly. and second, we aren't traveling over water." Hayes says calmly.

"Hayes! i don't want to be on that freaking mayday show! i want to live!" i say. he starts laughing.

"Chris, you're ridiculous." he says smiling.

"what?" i ask suspiciously.

"none of that nonsense is gonna happen. you're safe." i nod and then the plane starts to go faster and faster until we are off the ground. Hayes gives me his hand and i squeeze it. i really am scared.

once we were in the air for about 20 minutes i calmed down and began to enjoy it. i rest my head on Hayes's should and close my eyes.

"princess," someone said shaking me. i open my eyes to see Hayes. i smile and look out the window. we're here. i get up and head off the airplane. we meet a limo driver out side and get into the white limo. it was bigger than the last one. we got to our hotel and checked in. me and Jessica were sharing a room. i was excited. i've never really been in a hotel even though it's nothing extraordinary it's still cool to me.

Jess and i walked to our room on the 31 floor. 2 floors from the top. it was still high though. i looked out the window and my jaw dropped. it was beautiful. we settled in and then met up with the boys for dinner. Hayes and i sat across from each other. there was a huge presentation going on so we weren't allowed to talk. i look at my phone to see a text from Hayes. i open it and read.

hey princess. if you're as bored as i am send me a kissy face :)

i look up and see him smirking at me. i send him a devil face instead. he laughed softly. i got another text from him. i opened it.

okay. fine. i'm still bored. can we leave?

nope. we have to stay here dim-wit

he laughs again and sticks his tongue out at me.

"thank you all for listening!" the man in the purple tux said. im guessing it's done. we all got up and left.

tomorrow is magcon and i'm not excited. i'm actually really scared. i feel two arms wrap around me and i get spun i laugh. i turn around and saw of course Hayes. "devil? really? at least an angel." he says smiling.

"hey like i said i didn't fall from heaven. i dug my way up from hell." i say smiling back.

"screw you!" he says picking me up and twirling me around again.we all head back to our rooms. Hayes kisses me goodnight before i walk into my room. i open the door and see Jessica crying.

"Jess? what's wrong?" i ask sitting down beside her.

"it's Nash," she says. i stare at her wide eyed.

"what happened?" i ask.

"he, i, i saw him kissing another girl." she says and then begins to cry again.

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