Chapter 27

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We arrived in Canada soon. We head to our hotel and unpack. I try to avoid the boys as much as possible but somehow they always end up beside me.

"Hey Chris." Matthew says smiling at me. "whats up?"

"Nothing. How about you?" I ask being polite.

"Nothing." He says being super perky.

"Cool. I'm gonna go back to my room. So, yeah, see you later." I say power walking to the elevator.

I get to my room and lay on my bed. Jessica storms into the room and stands at the foot of my bed.

"Okay. Spill." She says.

"What are you talking about?" I say.

"You've been avoiding all of us and you're not even doing Magcon. What's going on with you?" she says.

"Nothing." I say laying back down on my bed.

"That's B.S. I know about the whole hate thing. Is it that?" she says.

"No." I say simply. "And I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Fine but the boys also told me to tell you to come down for dinner." She says pulling me out of bed.

"Um, no. I'm gonna skip dinner tonight." I say yanking my hand from her grasp.

"Oh no you're not missy. I don't want to hear another word out of you." She says.

"I'm not going. I'm fat enough as it is." I say.

"What? your a freaking stick. Get your ass out of bed! we have to meet up with them. And they are so hearing about what you just said." She says threatening.

"Whatever Jess." I say and walk out of the door with her trailing behind me. I pull out my phone and look on twitter. Of course there is hate. I read a bunch. It gets meaner with every word. I shut off my phone and shove it in my pocket.

We meet the boys at a resteraunt. Once we've ordered everyone divides into their own conversations with each other. I of course go all anti social and scroll through my twitter.

I see a hate comment regarding the fact that I'm ugly and fat and that I don't deserve Hayes. I think for a minute and then hesitate as I click the re tweet.

I shut my phone off again quickly and then realize that all my followers will see this. I look up and see Jessica on her phone and then she looks up at me. Oh no.

"Really?" she says to me. I shrug my shoulders.

"Every word is true." I say to her.

She shakes her head and then stands. "Don't tell me I didn't warn you. Everybody listen up." She yells at the table.

I shake my head at her but she ignores me. I stand quietly and begin to walk away. Then someone grabs onto my arm. I turn around and see Jessica. the table is looking at the both of us with their full attention.

"I'm sorry." She whispers to me. "Every body take out their phones and go to twitter. Then open Chris's page and read her most recent retweet." She says. All the boys and mahogany do as they were told. A bunch of them gasp or let their jaw drop open. I rip my arm from Jess's grip and run out of the resteraunt.

I run to me and Jessica's room and run into the bathroom. I lock the door and fall to my knees. Why would she do that. I mean they would've found out eventually. What is Hayes thinking. Oh my god.

I look around and then I catch the shine of the blade on my razor. Should I? I grab it and hold it to my wrist. I close my eyes and slide it across my wrist.

I open them only to realize what I've just done. I drop the razor and begin to freak out crying and cradling myself. It wasn't long before I heard the room door open and banging on the bathroom door.

"Come on! there has to be a way for us to open it from out here!" I hear nash yell. Please let there not be.

"No you can only unlock it from the inside!" Matthew shouts.

I try to calm myself down but I can't seem to do so. I keep looking at my bloody wrist and cry.

"Chris! open the door!" I hear Cameron say.

I shake my head 'no' even though they can't see me.

"Chris! please open the door. We aren't here to judge you. We are here to help." Jack g says.

I pick up my razor and place it quietly on the counter.

"Chris," I hear Hayes say lightly. "Open the door. It's okay. We understand what you are feeling. We all get hate to."

The sound of his voice makes me scared. I grab my razor again and slit my wrist again and again and again and once more for well the sake of it. I cry even harder now. I'm terrified. Why the hell am I doing this?!

There's more banging on the door and yells trying to convince me to unlock the door. I look at my 5 fresh cuts which are all bleeding quite a bit. Blood stains my top and some dries on my skin. The cuts burn which makes me cry even more.

"Chris!" I hear mahogany yell. "Please let me in!"

I whimper and crawl into a corner. I cry even more than I ever have before. There is blood all over my clothes and in my hair. I can't even think straight.

"Chris! please! we can help you but we can't do anything while you're behind that door!" Cameron yells. I keep crying not knowing what to do.

Then I hear an unfamiliar voice. "I'm here for what?"

"Please help us. We'll pay for a new one." I hear nash say.

"Well okay. I'll take the money now." The man says.

I feel light headed. And weak. Very weak. I hear the door being banged and then the door flings right open. I begin to cry even harder now.

"I'm gonna go in. Don't crowd her." I hear Hayes say.

I cry hard and I can't seem to stop. I see his jeans and I begin to freak out. Crying and hipper ventilating. He kneels down in front of me and grabs my cut wrists. I scream and try to pull back but his grip is strong.

I continue to cry and I think he might be crying to. I feel his arms wrap around me and I'm lifted off the ground. He cradles me for a couple seconds and then begins to walk. I can faintly see the guys but they are all blurred from the tears in my eyes.

I nuzzle my face into Hayes's neck and cry. My wrist still burns and I'm scared. We enter another hotel room and he lays me down on a bed. I'm still crying.

Hayes sits beside me and pulls me into his arms again. He rocks me for a little while. Then he kisses my forehead.

"Chris, why?" he says shakily. I know he was crying.

"I don't know." I say to him.

"Please please please never ever do this again. You have to promise me." He says crying more now.

"I-I promise. I'm sorry." I say crying even harder now.

"Shh. It's okay princess you're safe. And don't be sorry. I love you so much. I'll never let this happen to you ever again. Is that clear baby girl?" he says still crying a bit. I nod.

"I love you to." I say.

"We'll talk in the morning okay? just rest with me. I'll keep you safe."

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