chapter 2

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I follow him until we reach a house, which I'm guessing is his. he opens the door but I stay put. I don't know him.

"well, you coming?" he asks. " um, I-I don't know." I say shakily. again, I don't know him.

"oh come on. I don't bite." I walk in and put my head down. " ma!" he yells. a woman with dark brown hair walks in. this is probably his mom.

"who is this?" she asks looking at me. then back at the boy. " um, I don't know." he looks at me, "what is your name?" he looks kind of curious.

"my name is Chris" I answer. "um, ok. one second." she replies. a few moments later, she returns with clothes. really pretty clothes than I've ever owned. "you can stay as long as you'd like dear. hayes," she looks over at the boy. that's what his name is. nice. "you can takes her to the guest room." he nods and begins walking up the stairs.

I shiver in the wet, cold clothes I'm wearing. he opens up a door, and I walk in. their guest room is pretty big. I turn back to him, "knock on my door if you need anything." he says and then leaves. I take off my wet clothes and put on the new ones. they are really nice. I take the concealer out of my wet jean pocket. I look in the tall mirror hanging on the wall and I can see the bruise. not a lot, but still noticeable. shit. I hope Hayes and his mom didn't see it.

I reapply the concealer until the bruises aren't noticeable. I put my hair into a messy bun and look at myself once more before going to bed.

I fall asleep soon enough. in my dream, I was in my room, and I watched my dad beat on my younger self, and then on me now. I see all the scars on my stomach, thighs, and face. I wake up screaming and I begin to cry. what is wrong with me.

I hear footsteps and then my door opens. I'm still crying and I don't know why I cant stop. Hayes comes into the room and stands at my bed side. he kneels down and turns on the lamp on the bed table. I sit up and pull my knees to my chest and begin to sob.

why am I still crying? alright, 10 more seconds of weakness and then I'm done.


I hate myself


I hate my life


I am an awful person


I have no family





I cant do this anymore!





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