Chapter 30

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"Oh my god!" I yell. He grabs my hand and pulls me away from the people in the park. I start to freak and cry. "Please! get away from me!"

He pulls me into a corner. I slide down the wall and start to cry again.

"Please don't hurt me." I plead.

"I'm not going to hurt you as long as you do what I say and right now all you have to do is talk." He says. i nod shaking with fear.

"Now, how much do these boys mean to you?" he asks.

I don't answer because I don't trust him. I'm scared if I say a lot, he'll hurt them or something.

He slaps me in the face. "What did I ask you! answer me!"

"A lot!" I yell crying even more.

"Okay. Now which one are you dating again?" he asks.

I shake my head 'no'. I can't say anything about him. He'll hurt him.

He stands up and kicks me in the gut. "I'll ask you this again. Which one are you dating?"

I cry hard and hold my stomach. i shake my head again 'no'. I can't risk anything.

"Okay. So I see we are gonna have to do this the hard way." He says.

"I thought we already were." I say under my breath.

He slaps me in the face again. "Watch your tone missy!"

He reaches into his pocket and pulls something out. It's a pocket knife. He flicks out the knife and holds it to my neck.

"Now which one is your fucking boyfriend?!" he yells at me.

I don't answer. He moves the knife and cuts my right arm. I scream and cry.

"Tell me!" he says.

"NO!" I scream at him.

He punches me in the face and picks me up. Then he throws me to the ground and kicks my stomach again. I cry again. He take my phone and looks in my contacts. He clicks Nash's contact and calls.

"Hey Chris. Where are you?" he answers.

"Yeah this isn't Chris." Dad says.

"Who is this? where is Chris?"he demands.

"Put me on speaker and gather your stupid friends. They all have to hear this."

"Okay your on. Now where is Chris?" Nash yells into the phone.

"Oh she's here with me." He says. "Say hi Chris."

I didn't answer. He kicks my gut again and I cry and scream.

"Please. Stop!" I yell at him.

"What are you doing?!" Cameron yells.

"Why don't you shut up before I drive this knife through your heart." He says to me. I let out a whimper. "any way. This is her dad speaking." He says.

"Leave her alone!" Matthew shouts.

"Oh I intend to. As soon as I get my anger out." He says in an evil way.

"No! leave her alone or we'll call the police!" Nash says.

"Oh, we'll be long gone by then. Call anyone and you'll never see her again." He says. I keep crying. He bends down and grabs my bleeding arm.

"Ugh. You got blood all over my jacket!" he yells at me.

"It's not my fault you pulled a freaking knife to my arm!" I yell at him.

"Say one more word and you'll never see these boys again!" he yells at me.

"Oh and boys. You can have her back in ten minutes in the ally of of Main Street. bye." He say hanging up. He grins at me evilly and kicks my back.

He's been beating on me for about 3 minutes and I can't seem to scream. My body is un-movable.

Then I see a bunch of police and my dad runs. They chase after him barely noticing me. I see all the boys running and I pull myself into a ball.

"Someone call 911!" Cameron says kneeling over me. "It's okay. Don't worry." He whispers to me. In only a few minutes an ambulance shows up and I'm pulled onto a stretcher.

"Is there any one who is going to ride with her?" one of the paramedics asks.

"I'll go." Hayes says. He hops in and grabs onto my hand.

"What's your relation to her? family? friend?" the paramedic asks.

"Well, boyfriend." He says. I look at him and then my eyes quickly move from his.

"We're losing her!" one man says.

"She has a concusion and is in a shock state!" another person says. "Okay sweetie. Keep your eyes open and on me. We'll be there in a couple minutes."

I try my best to keep my eyes open but I find it really hard.

"She's been kicked in the head! and is losing blood from her arm."

I feel my eyes get heavy. "Keep them open! don't let them close!" one man says. Hayes squeezes my hand and I wish I could speak but I can't.

We arrive at the hospital and I'm wheeled in. They stop Hayes at the door of the room I'm going in. I look at him one more time and then close my eyes. Maybe forever.

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