Chapter 6: Everyone Survived

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Hiccup turned around and saw the one thing he thought he'd never see again: Astrid was alive! He watched her stand up after getting out of her bed were she was lying for almost 4 days. "Astrid? ASTRID!" Hiccup ran towards her, lift her up and twirled her around and put her down still holding onto her while she had her hands on his shoulders. Astrid placed one hand on his cheek as he melted into her hand feeling warm and safe with her in his arms. "Hiccup, I'm so sorry that I overreacted. I know you would never cheat..." Hiccup placed his forehead onto Astrid's. "Astrid, this is my fault in the first place. You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn't have listened to my dad. I should've thrown away those letters because it was you all along. It was always you because...I love you". Astrid froze as Hiccup started leaning towards her face slowly. Astrid closed her eyes and also leaned forward as their lips met after a long time apart. Their kiss turned more and more passionate every second their lips moved. They started French kissing which led to making out. Hiccup pulled her closer to him with his hands on her waist as Astrid put one hand on his cheek and the other through his hair. They couldn't get much farther than that since Stoick , Gothi and the gang came into the room and watched them for a few seconds. They pulled away slowly as they saw the gang watching them from Astrid's door to her hut. The gang rushed to them forming a group hug. Stoick and Gothi just watched from a far while everyone but Hiccup and Astrid pulled away from each other. Hiccup placed his hand on Astrid's and they walked around the edge. But Hiccup was still wondering one thing...who was the person that attacked Astrid? Stoick went back to Berk that night and Astrid and Hiccup went into his hut. "Hiccup, I'm still sorry for overreacting" Astrid said. "Astrid, I'm the one to blame for that. I just hope we can move past that and be a married couple someday in the future again" Hiccup said as he pulled out the necklace from his pocket. Astrid smiled at him and put the necklace on. "Of course. And Hiccup?" "Yeah Astrid?" Hiccup replied. "I love you too". Hiccup turned around facing Astrid and walked up to her and kissed her passionately. He pushed her onto bed and they fell asleep thirty minutes later.

In the morning, There was a terror mail sent to the edge. Fishlegs got the terror mail and handed it to Hiccup. "So?" Snotlout said expecting an answer of what the letter said. "Oh no. This is just great" Huccup said sarcastically. "What, what's wrong?" Astrid asked. Hiccup sighed "My dad sent this. And he said Camicazi is coming back to Berk...and is looking for me". Astrid gasped. "What's wrong?" Hiccup said slowly walking closer to Astrid. "Umm, I'll tell you once we get to Berk. I'd be better to tell you there". Hiccup nodded his head as they head off to Berk. They got there sooner than expected and Astrid took Hiccup's hand. "Hiccup, need to talk to you, alone for a second about what I wanted to say before we left the edge?". "Sure" Hiccup said back. "What is it?" He asked her sounding a little worried. "Hiccup, you need to believe me with this. Do you trust me?" Hiccup never thought she'd ask that question. "Oh course I trust you. You can tell me anything". Astrid took a deep breath. "Hiccup...Camicazi is the one who nearly killed me". Hiccup couldn't believe what he heard. "What?..."

That's it for now. I'll write the next chapter in a little bit but not to long. Bye for now!👋👋👋

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