Chapter 2: The Fight

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This chapter might involve some strong language. You've been warned...

I am SO mad! I thought I knew Hiccup. I thought he was a sweet and kind guy who meant the world to me! But I guess I was wrong. I was so mad I stomped into the clubhouse where everyone was, but I didn't care. I put a mad look on my face and hoped that Hiccup would turn around and see me right away. He eventually looked over at me and looked a little worried as he saw the expression on my face. "Astrid? Are you ok?" He asked me. "Why would you care" I said back to him still looking furious. "Umm, because I'm your boyfriend/fiancée. I care about your feelings". "I think your just saying that so I won't beat you up when I have the chance". He then started looking more scared then worried. "Astrid, what's wrong? Seriously, you've never talked to me like this before". "Hiccup you know exactly what I'm talking about". He was giving me all these different looks but he mostly looked puzzled. "I don't actually. Why do you think I know what your talking about?" I did an angry grunt. "Uhh...should we leave? Or..." I heard Fishlegs say. "Nah! This is just getting interesting" I heard Tuffnut say. "Don't play dumb Hiccup, I know you've been communicating with Camicazi behind my back". Hiccup put his face into his hands and started mumbling to himself. "Hiccup? This is a joke right?" Fishlegs asked. "Oh hell its real! I just spent thirty minutes looking at all the letters in his hut!" I yelled. "Astrid calm down! I haven't been cheating on you with Camicazi behind your back, I would never do that!" "Oh yeah! Then how do you explain the letters?!" I yelled again. "They were from a long time ago. She had feelings for me but I never had feelings for her. My dad told me to keep the notes in case I didn't find love by the time I'm twenty since that's when I need to get married". "I don't know what to believe anymore Hiccup. It clearly doesn't look like old papers and that's what anyone would say just to not fail in a relationship". He started rubbing the side of his neck. "Well...their not really old papers. But...". I felt a tear drop from my eye. "Oh Thor, Astrid please don't..." "so you were lying to me! I thought I knew you! Is everything else you told me a lie too?! Like, maybe you only want to be with me so you don't disappoint your father once you turn twenty and don't have a wife!". "I thought the letters were nice ok! No one treated me nicely before I started training dragons and Kamacausii was the only one who did. You never even talked to me until I turned into someone that everyone looked up to!". "Well then, why don't you just marry HER while your at it?!". I took a deep breath and glanced back at Hiccup at least a little more relaxed then I was a minute ago. "Hiccup, tell me the truth, I'm not going to ask again. Are you dating Camicazi?!" Hiccup looked mad now and he now scared me and no one has seen my scared like this before". "NO I'M NOT". I could see the anger in Hiccup's eyes. "Astrid, you never even knew that I existed until I trained Toothless. I mean come on, was I like, a ghost or invisible to you?!" I can't believe that Hiccup just said that to me. "Right, cause it's not like you had any time to talk to me anyways...oh that's right, you were just too scared to do something about it". Fishlegs stepped between us. "Ok guys, don't you guys think this is all pointless?". "NO" me and Hiccup yelled to Fishlegs at the same time. "Ok Astrid, your starting to make me mad. Stop acting Childish". "Oh Thor Hiccup, now your just trying to make me sound like I'm overreacting?! I have a right to be pissed off. You know what, just give it to Camicazi already, You don't sound like you wanna stop anything anyway" I said to him with serious attitude. But Hiccup was getting very frustrated. He grunted before saying "oh my Thor Astrid, just stop! Your...your acting like a bitch right now!". I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. I never seen Hiccup this angry before, and I've never seen myself so upset. Everyone looked at Hiccup with a shocked face. I tried not to, but I ended up crying silently into my hands, But I was mad at the same time. Hiccup's fists softened and his mad face turned into a frightened but worried sight. He stepped closer to me in slow steps. "I'm sorry Astrid, I don't know where that came from. I..." When he reached his hand out to my hand, I hit it away, making sure he wouldn't touch my hand. I ran out of the clubhouse as fast as I could still crying into my hands.

Everyone looked at me in the clubhouse while I sat on the floor with my face dug into my hands. "Not cool H, not cool at all" Tuff said to me as the Twins walked out of the clubhouse. "Well Hiccup, good luck trying to fix this one up" Snotlout said as he too walked out of the clubhouse while I gave him a death glare. "Fishlegs?" I said and he looked down at me looking dissapointed. He shook his head and also walked out of the clubhouse. What have I done...

That's all for now! Sorry I never posted for a while. But my vacation was AWESOME! I'm glad to finally be back home again. I hope you guys enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter!👋

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