Chapter 7: How Astrid Nearly Died

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Hiccup was silent for almost a minute, and I was getting confused, and worried. "Uhh...Hiccup? Are you alright?" He lifted his head and looked at me not looking too happy. "Am I alright? Sure! I just found out that my fiancé nearly got killed by my childhood friend!" I obviously knew he was being sarcastic as I rolled my eyes at him. "Hiccup I..." "Astrid, how? What? How did she find the edge?" he asked confused yet worried all at once. "I'll tell you all I remember, and I'll try not to leave any details out"...


I was travelling around some island's to look for some specific tree bark to bring back to my island for medication. But I started walking around non one island before I heard someone say: "Did you hear Stoick's son is engaged already? Heard he proposed to her a couple months ago". I gasped and ran to the person who was talking about Hiccup. "What did you say about Hiccup Haddock?" I asked like I never heard anything. "Oh yes! He just got engaged not long ago". I grew more and more suspicious. "And, to whom is he engaged to? I used to live on Berk myself, but I haven't been back in quite some time now". "I don't remember her first name, but I think her last name was something like...Hopperson? Topperson?". I put one hand into a fist. "Hofferson?! House Hofferson?!" I said looking mad". "Oh yes! That's the one!". I turned around and said thank you to them before I left with now both of my hands in fists. How could I have not seen this coming?! He's always had a crush on Astrid, the first day he laid eyes on her! I knew that I had to sail back to Berk. It would be a long trip, but I had to get back. When I started heading back, three days later I saw an island with some houses and supplies and decided to make a pit stop. I could hear some people who's voices sounded familiar. I went behind one of the huts and saw the twins! What are they doing here? I also saw Fishlegs and Snotlout. I thought Hiccup or Astrid would be here too, but I was looking for Astrid, not Hiccup. I had nothing against Hiccup. I saw a hut with a blue deadly natter and peaked inside the door and saw Astrid. "Well well well, it's been a long time Hofferson". She gasped, grabbed her axe and turned around. "Camicazi" she said smearing at me.

I couldn't believe Camicazi was at the edge! How did she even find it! "What are you doing here?" I said glaring at her. "You've never gotten rid of that death glare have you? I wonder if you ever used it on Hiccup when you took him away from me!" She said as I was left in shock. "How do you know me and Hiccup are together, and how did you find the edge?" I asked still glaring at her. "When I heard that you and Hiccup were together, I knew I had to come after you. But once I was starting to head back to Berk, I saw and Island and took a pit stop. Only to find out that the whole gang is here and that I could just find you first" she said to me. "What are you going to do to Hiccup" I said as she chuckled under her breath. "I don't want to hurt's YOU I'm after". I charged at her and we started fighting with the weapons in my hut. After five minutes of fighting, she took one of my knifes and stabbed me in the chest. The only thing I heard before blacking out, was: "I'll be back to finish you off, don't you worry".


"Wow" I said as she finished her story. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Astrid. I'll talk to my dad and we'll get her off Berk as soon as I can". "Please do" she told me as she grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a kiss. We kissed firmly and passionately for a little while until we broke apart by the horn at the lower half of Berk. "Hiccup! Camicazi here!" My dad yelled before I head down with Astrid by my side...

That's all for now! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll write the next one a little later. Bye for now!👋👋👋

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