Chapter 18: Who's Gonna Survive?

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Astrid just started breast feeding Kiara about five days after she gave birth and she didn't know what to think. She was supposed to start the first day but she wanted to wait a few days. She never thought it would feel this weird. The first day she tried Hiccup helped her with Kiara and put her on Astrid's lap to get her ready. She started drinking and Astrid's first reaction was a little jump under her skin. "Ahhh...ok. What the..." Astrid said shocked as she looked down at her daughter. She started smiling and kissed her on her head. Astrid started to get a little more calm as she was getting used to it. "Hi Kiara. You're the most perfect girl I've ever seen and felt in my arms. I still can't believe that I'm lucky enough to have you as my daughter" Astrid said still smiling at her daughter. The second Astrid looked away, she saw her fiancée staring right at her breasts during the process. "HICCUP!" Astrid yelled at him as he raised his head and got up as fast as he could to the kitchen. "What do you think her first words will be?" Hiccup asked. "Woah woah Hiccup, it's a little early to start talking about her first words isn't it?" She said with a kind of shocked look on her face. "Haha, your right. Let's just focus on getting Kiara to bed first". Astrid nodded her head, got up and put her daughter to sleep. Hiccup and Astrid stayed up for a while after that, talking and enjoying time to themselves. Astrid was sitting next to Hiccup who had his arm around her. Astrid's head laid on his shoulder and Hiccup's head laid on her head. "Hiccup, this might be a little too early to ask you think that you'd be ok with another kid around if things go swell with Kiara?" Astrid asked. Hiccup smiled and kissed his girlfriend. She kissed him back right away and Astrid fell backwards on the couch. Hiccup landed on top of her starting a make out session with Astrid. Astrid's legs rapped around Hiccup's back and her hands were cupping his face. Hiccup's hands were moving around Astrid's waist sliding up towards the upper part of her back into her hair which gave Astrid an amazing feeling. They did the same thing and a little more for a while before stopping a little later. "So I guess that that's a yes?" Astrid said smiling with a little laugh. "Of course it means yes! I'd love to Astrid" he said as he starting kissing her again.
The next morning Siv payed a little visit to finally see the baby. "Hey Astrid! And who's this little one I've heard so much about? She's SO cute!!" She said going nuts over Kiara. Astrid laughed a little and introduced Siv to Kiara. "Awwww! I'm so sorry I couldn't be here for the birth or pregnancy. My friends sister has a wedding and asked me to be a bridesmaid and I helped her plan that the whole way through. The wedding was two days ago so everything's taken care of now. They're leaving for their honeymoon tomorrow! But I'm still SO sorry that I wasn't..." "Siv, Siv it's ok! It's totally fine. You had something important to do, so it's fine". Siv took a sigh. "Thank Thor your not pissed". They both laughed. "So where's Hiccup?" Siv asked. "Hiccup? Oh he's out with his father for the day. Learning more things about when he'll become Chief. He'll be back by the end of the day though". "Oh alright. Well, since your free, wanna come for a walk in the forest with me?" Siv asked. "Sure! I'll just get Fishlegs to take care of Kiara for a little..." "Kiara can come with us, can't she? I just met her, I wanna know some more about her" Siv said. "Uhhh, sure, why not" Astrid replied. "Can I hold her?" Siv asked with a smile spreading across her face. "Sure" Astrid replied. She put Kiara into her arms and Siv's eyes grew bigger and bigger with amazement. "She's so amazing" she said to Astrid as she blushed. "She really is" Astrid said.
They were walking pretty far into the forest and Astrid was starting to get worried about Kiara if they found a wild dragon around. "You know what Siv, I think we should head back" Astrid said nervously. "No no no, there's something REALLY pretty up this way I wanted to show you. It's just less than five minutes away from here" Siv said as Astrid nodded her head and kept on walking.
Five minutes later Siv turned to Astrid and nodded. "We're here" She said. Astrid looked around. "I-I don't see anything but trees" Astrid said with Kiara in her arms still looking around. Siv our on a grin and took out a knife. She pointed it at Astrid and once she turned around, she let out a shocked gasp. "What the hell?" She said both shocked and scared. "Hand over the baby" Siv said in an evil tone of voice. "My own daughter?! No way Siv! You...your just like Johann! Let me guess someone put you up to get our trust and take the baby once it's born?! You were my best friend! Well, other than Heather" Astrid said shouting. "Well, it definitely was since the moment we met. But the plans were to go after you. But once we heard about your pregnancy, we decided to wait until the baby was born". "Who is this 'we' you speak of?! There's another one after me?!" Astrid yelled before turning around to see the person Astrid never wished to see again...Camicazi. "Hello Astrid. And the newborn. She's so beautiful isn't she Siv?" Camicazi said smiling her evil smile waiting for Astrid's response. "What do you guys want with me? You already hurt me AND Hiccup enough or at least more than we should've been. And what do you want with the baby?!" Astrid said. "Oh, we'd NEVER hurt Hiccup, that's the last thing we're trying to do...or at least we're not trying to hurt him on the outside" Camicazi said. "But what about on the inside? Your pulling him away from the people he loves" Astrid said replying. "But you don't deserve his love! He's too good for you, and you know that!" "Well your not much of a difference Camicazi ! Your almost killing your own crushes family and your not accepting that he wants nothing to do with you!" Astrid yelled as Camicazi let out a soft gasp. "Ok, Astrid here's a deal. I'll let you and Hiccup live a happy life together even if your a terrible couple...but you need to give me your daughter in exchange". Astrid rolled her eyes. "You really think I'm gonna fall for that?! I'll never give up my daughter and I know Hiccup wouldn't want to either since she's our family!" Astrid said starting to wonder where Siv disappeared too. Just as that thought cams into her head, she felt a knife dig into her side and let out a scream of pain. She fell to the ground as Siv Caught Kiara before she hit the floor. Kiara started crying at the sight of her mother and the feel of being in Siv's arms. Camicazi hit Astrid's face and Astrid passed out from all the blood. "That'll do her. Come on Siv, we've gotta baby to raise". Camicazi and Siv sailed off in their boat away from Berk to Thor knows where.
Hours later, Hiccup was home for three hours and started patrolling the island with the gang around Berk in search of Astrid. Hiccup saw someone on the ground and flew down as fast as he could. He started walking to the person. Once he realized it was Astrid, he dashed right to her. "ASTRID!" He yelled kneeling down towards her. There was so much blood out of her system she must have lost about ten pounds. She had a red mark across her face from Camicazi slap in the face. Hiccup held her close to him getting blood on himself but didn't care. The gang gasped at the sight and rushed into towards Hiccup. Stormfly and Toothless wouldn't let anyone go near them. "AGAIN?!" Hiccup yelled crying with Astrid in his arms. He wiped his tears and lift her up off the ground. "Get back to Berk as fast as you can and get help. Mostly just look for my dad. We need to get Astrid healed and look for my daughter!" Hiccup said as the gang rushed back to Berk looking for Stoick leaving Hiccup and Astrid with their dragons in the woods. "Camicazi"...

That's all for today! I'll post the next chapter as soon as I get the chance to release it. Bye for now!👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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