Chapter 8: Caumacausii's Arival

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Me and Hiccup walked down to the docks hand in hand. Camicazi was just getting off her ship as she saw me and Hiccup together, which I knew was the last thing she wanted to see. She had a surprised look on her face as she saw that I was healed and looked a lot stronger than she thought I'd be, considering how wounded I was before. She looked at me and put on a fake smile as she turned her attention back to Hiccup. "Hiccup! It's been a long time!" She jumped onto him and hugged him tightly as I gave her my death glare. Hiccup lightly hugged her back as he also tried lightly pulling away. "Yeah, yeah it's awesome to see you too" he said as they pulled away. "You remember my fiancé, Astrid Hofferson don't you?" He said as he put his arm around my waist. "Oh yeah...her" she said looking disgusted. "How about we go to the Great Hall and get caught up" he said to her. "Sure thing Hiccup! How about you take me there and we'll..." I stepped in front of Hiccup and stood my ground. "No way Cami! I know what you'd have up your sleeve if he even considered saying yes which I know would never happen!" I said trying to whisper as quiet but also as loud as I could. She chuckled. "First of all, Cami? And second, just cause your better than the last time I saw you, doesn't mean you can't stop me from doing what you say is 'up my sleeve'"She said sounding snarky. "Maybe not, but I won't let you take my fiancé away from me!". Hiccup butted in. "Sorry to burst your guys bubble, but we should get going. And sorry Camicazi, but I need to go with Astrid considering I need to talk with her first, shall we?" He took me over to the forge while Camicazi got escorted to the Great Hall. Once me and Hiccup got into the forge, I was confused. "Why'd you have to stop me from getting back at Camicazi? I was really going to make sure you didn't have to..." I was cut off by his lips connecting to mine. I reacted fast and responded by passionately kissing him back. I rapped my arms around his neck and started fiddling with his hair while he held onto my waist tightly. He lifted me up and placed me on a table as we continued to make out. I rapped my legs around the lower part of his back as he pulled me closer to his chest. "Ow" I said quietly since there were weapons all over the forge and one of the swords scratched me. "Oh Astrid sorry! I think I just got so lost in the moment I forgot where we were" he said gazing at my eyes. "That's fine, but what was that for?" I asked. "Well, half of it was from you saving me from Camicazi, but the other half was cause I haven't been alone with you for a while". I giggled as I grabbed his hand and held it tightly. "So...I'm aloud to snap at Camicazi?" I asked him. "After her trying to kill you, I wouldn't mind that one bit". I hugged him as he hugged me back. "How about we head off to the Great hall now" I told him. "You should head there first. I'm just gonna talk to my dad in private for a few minutes about Camicazi". I nodded my head and head off to the great hall after I gave him a quick kiss. He smiled at me then head off to his house where his dad head off to after greeting Camicazi.

I head off to my house after saying goodbye to Astrid. She'll be fine for a couple of minutes. I walked into my house looking at my father who was sitting at the table in the middle of my house. "Uuumm...Hey dad" I said. My dad stared at me with almost the same glare Astrid gave Camicazi. "Alright. What's on my son, out with it" he said strictly to me. "Well, dad Astrid just told me the truth about who murdered her". He looked shocked yet eager to know who at the same time. "Well...than who was it?" He asked. "She said it was...Camicazi". Dad was silent for a while until he screamed:"What?!"...

That's all for now! Btw, get ready for a really angry Stoick in the near future(lol).

Something you should know:

Also, I wanted to let you guys know that I'm changing the title of this Story to "Astrid's Rival" since the Hiccstrid Break Up wasn't as long as I thought it would be. I'll also change the picture. Just wanted to let you guys know so you don't get confused. Bye for now!👋👋👋

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