Chapter 14: Telling Hiccup

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"WHAT!? Gothi, are you absolutely sure?". She nodded her head and shook my hand. She wrote in the sand: "Congratulations, your going to be a mother!". She left my hut and flew off on her gronckle back towards Berk. "Astrid? M'lady, Can I come in?" I heard Hiccup say. "Uummm, not right now. I just need some time to think". "What?" He said sounding shocked. I'm gonna give myself away if I say that. What is there to think about? He doesn't know yet! "I mean, Gothi told me to relax a little bit, I'll see you tomorrow, ok?". He said ok then walked back to his hut. But wait...Me. A MOTHER?! I can't take care of a kid yet! I still wanna finish this fight between Viggo, Krogan and Johann. I can't finish what we started if I can't be involved in it! I've always wanted a child, but right now is the absolute worst time to have one! At least I only have nine months before the baby's born, right? I have to think of how, or when to tell Hiccup. I could tell him tomorrow, but does he want a child too?! I never thought I'd say this...but I'm kinda scared right now.
I went to bed a few hours later and then woke up the next morning, checking out my stomach for a lump. It probably won't stand out until I'm a few weeks into my pregnancy. I went to the clubhouse with everyone welcoming me with a stare. "Hi?" I said while everyone continued to stare at me. "What happened with Gothi?" Snotlout said to me. "Ummm, I'd rather not talk about it right now" I said as everyone shrugged their shoulders and went back to what they were doing before I came here. The whole day was pretty much the same. There hasn't been any attacks for a while so it was pretty peaceful. But I had to tell Hiccup what no one else (except for Gothi) knew yet. That evening at dinner, I asked him if he could meet me in my hut. He nodded his head and once the time came, I was shacking. I'm gonna admit it, I was scared of what Hiccup's reaction is going to be. He walked in with a kinda happy look on his face. He walked over to me and sat on my bed next to me. "What did you wanna talk about?" He asked. "Hiccup. There's no easy way to say this..." "oh no, are you hurt?! I'll go get the.." "no Hiccup I'm not hurt. Just sit down please. I don't know if you wanted or want this or not but Hiccup...I'm pregnant". He sat there for a little while. Just staring at me in awe. "Uhh, hello? Hiccup are you ok?". He looked at me and had a smile on his face. "What did you just say?" He asked. "Hiccup, your Going to be a father". Out of NOWHERE he picked me up and spun me around in circles. "Woah woah woah what are you doing!" I said as I was about to hurl. "I'm gonna be a father!" He put me down and hugged me. So gently. I could hear him starting to cry. "Hiccup, are-are you crying?" I asked him. "Yeah. I am, aren't you excited? Your going to be a mother!!" I started to tear up too. "Those don't seem like tears of happiness" he said and wrapped his arms around me. "What's wrong Astrid aren't you happy?" He said to me. "Of course I'm happy to have a child, I've always wanted to have one. But...but it just isn't the right time to have a child! We still need to defeat Viggo, Krogan and Johann. What if they injure my stomach? And the baby gets hurt during battles and something goes wrong while I'm delivering him or her? Or if..." "Astrid, Astrid calm down! None of that is going to happen. You and me both know that we'll protect you and the baby during any upcoming battles. I know you'll protect this baby at all costs...that's what will make you an amazing mother". I pulled him closer to me and gave him a passionate kiss. He didn't react as soon as I pulled him closer to me, but reacted as soon as he got the chance to. He put one of his hands on my cheek and the other on my waist. I just put both of my arms around his neck as we continued to make out. He pulled away the same time as me and looked me in eyes. He was smiling a lot and so was I. "Ok, I need to go to bed now..." "Astrid, can I sleep here tonight? I don't want to miss any firsts for the baby". I nodded my head as he got into my bed with me. "How about we tell the gang tomorrow?" I said to him. "Sure, that'd be great. I'm excited to see their reactions". "Hiccup, yours was priceless, no ones can top that". He gave me a quick kiss before heading off to sleep. He uplifted me after that 'little speech' he gave I feel a lot more confident and better than before about the baby. I still can't believe and Hiccup are going to be PARENTS!...

That's all for now! I know that Caumacausii hasn't been in the story for a little while but she's coming back very soon. I'm starting another story first one-shots hiccstrid story!! I love writing fanfics so this'll be pretty fun for me. Anyways, I'll write again soon! But for now!!👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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