Chapter 17: Congragulations! Its a...

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Astrid was in so much pain while delivering this baby. So much more painful than she'd ever imagined. "Hiccup can I hold onto your hand!!" Astrid yelled still in so much pain trying her hardest just to focus on delivering at this point. "Of course Astrid". She held on as tight as she could, squeezing Hiccup's hands so hard that they turned purple. "Astrid Astrid, TOO TIGHT!" He yelped in pain. She loosened her grip a little bit trying not to give Hiccup too much pain...or any pain for that matter. "Astrid, just a few more pushes your doing great" Gobber said. Oh I forgot to tell you guys. Gobber delivers baby's all over Berk and has gone it for about fifteen years now, so he was pretty used to it by now. "Aaahhhhh!" Astrid yelled as Hiccup watched Astrid go through this hell like torture beside him. He put his other hand on top of hers and looked her in the eyes. "You can do this Astrid, just keep pushing. I have faith in you". Astrid smiled at Hiccup and took her final push. And there the baby was...a baby girl. After about five minutes she was cleaned up and placed on Astrid's lap. Astrid held her tight, starting to cry happily. Hiccup started shedding a few tears too. "She's beautiful" Hiccup said kissing Astrid's forehead. She handed her over to Hiccup and he felt a feeling he's never felt before once she was in his arms. She was perfect. "What do think we should call her?" Astrid asked him. "How about...Kiara. Kiara Haddock". "Hiccup. We're not married YET" Astrid pointed out. "But why not. We're getting married soon anyways so that's what we'll call her...Kiara Zilian Haddock" Astrid said proudly. Hiccup gently gave Kiara back to Astrid. "Zillian?" He said. "That's pretty" He said to Astrid as she blushed.
After a few hours the gang and Stoick came into the room so happy. "Aawww! She's so cute!" Fishlegs said. "Guys, I'd like you to meet Kiara". Everyone said aww and asked Astrid why she was crying. "I dunno, for some reason I'm really emotional" she said. "Gobber said it's completely normal with all the hormones and stuff like that. It shouldn't go on for more than a few hours" Hiccup said stroking Astrid's hair.
Stoick came in front of everyone and held Kiara. He had a glow in his eyes that he's never experienced before. He looked at his son and congratulated him and Astrid. Stoick got so excited, and emotional. He couldn't have been more happy that he had a grandchild to call his own. After a little while, everyone got to come in and see the baby. Even Astrid's parents were so overjoyed.
The next day, Astrid was back to her old self. Heather and the gang visited Hiccup and Astrid at home (Hiccup and Astrid's own house. Stoick made them their own house for them to settle down and raise a family and now it's finally going to good use) . "Hey Heather!" Astrid said hugging her. "Hey Astrid! Congrats you too! Can I see her?" She asked as Hiccup and Astrid nodded their heads. Heather was so amazed and was like the three hundredth person who got emotional (lol). "You know what...Heather, me and Hiccup have been talking about this for a while and we were wondering...would you like to be the godmother of Kiara?" Astrid asked. "Oh my Thor. Are you serious?! YES! I'd be honoured to! Thank you guys so much and congratulations again!" "No problem" Hiccup replied. "I'm so sorry guys, I wish I could stay longer, but I promised Dagur I'd be back before five tonight. He was setting up a wedding today so he couldn't come. But if you guys aren't going anywhere soon, he was planning to visit with Mala in the next few days or so" Heather said with a smile. "Sure! We'd be more than happy to have them over for a little bit" Hiccup said as Heather hugged them both goodbye and headed on back to Berserker island. "We're so blessed" Hiccup said kissing Kiara's head. They put Kiara to sleep and Hiccup and Astrid enjoyed some time for themselves for a while.

Over on the edge, Camicazi was still waiting for them to come back. "UGH! It's been months! The baby must have been born by now. You know what...I'll just head up to Berk myself. They have no idea what's about to come their way"...

That's all for now! I posted this chapter a little earlier than I expected but I was bored. Anyways I'm working on another story too, so I'll try to get that up soon too. Bye for now guys and I hope you enjoyed!👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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