Chapter 19: Survival Or Death

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Astrid was in my arms for about an hour before my father rushed over to us along with the gang and Skullcrusher. Once I stood up, I handed Astrid to dad and flew over with them to Gothi's hut. I'm so worried about her. That was a really deep cut and I'm afraid that this time...she might not make it. A tear rolled down my face at the thought of it and Fishlegs flew over to me and Toothless. "She'll be fine Hiccup". I scoffed. "You don't know that Fishlegs, no one does" I said and flew closer to Astrid and my dad. I won't accept 'she'll be fine' for an answer. "Son?" I heard my dad say. "Yeah dad" I said still having a few tears fall from my eyes. "Gothi will take care of her. She'll..." "she'll be fine! You all keep saying stuff like that once she's hurt! Like: 'oh, she'll be taken care of' and 'don't worry she'll be fine' or 'it'll all be ok in the end'. Well guess what? We don't know that! NO ONE knows that! Astrid has one of the deepest cuts in her side right now that I've ever seen, so things are definitely not ok! So just...don't say everything will be fine when it's clearly not!" I yelled and flew as fast as I could home to mine and Astrid's house.
I stayed there for about two hours while Astrid was getting looked after. I heard my dad and Fishlegs talking outside my house. "You've gotta tell him!" "Me?! I'm his best friend! I can't tell him!" "Well I'm the Chief, you need to" "oh alright". And just like that, Fishlegs walked inside my house. "Uhh, Hiccup? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I turned to face him and nodded my head. He sat next to me on the couch. "Hiccup, you were right. There's no good way to say this, so...Astrid. According to Gothi, may not live. She has extremely low hopes". "Well she didn't have much high hopes about her surviving during her coma but she woke up" I said proving a point. "True Hiccup, this ones really serious. The coma was only twenty five percent as bad as this. It's so bad that if she's not up tomorrow, Gothi's pulling the cord". The second he finished, I gasped and rushed to Gothi as fast as I could. Once I got up to Gothi's hut I slammed the door open fast. "Gothi! You've gotta be kidding right? I just can't unplug Astrid's cord! Caumacausii would finally get what she wants and I'd be left with almost no one to love. Please Gothi!" I said begging to out only healer in Berk. She shook her head and started writing in the sand and said: "I'm sorry Hiccup. There's almost no chance of her making it so we're gonna have to just face the facts. I don't want to let her go either. But there's nothing we can do about it Hiccup. I'm very sorry but...your gonna have to let her go". "But..." I said before Gothi turned away to her hut and closed the door.
He fell to the ground putting his face into his hands crying and praying to Thor himself. The gang was looking for Hiccup and came to Gothi's hut and saw Hiccup. This is one of the first times anyone has ever seen Hiccup prayer. Snotlout Fishlegs and the twins came beside him to comfort him. "I'm sorry...I just need some time alone" Hiccup said running away. The gang looked at each other and went to the arena to talk.
"You know, for the first time I actually feel bad for Hiccup" Snotlout said as the twins gasped. "Who knew that Snotlout had feelings?!" Tuff Said overeating a little too much. Snotlout glared at him and looked over at Fishlegs. "I hope Hiccup's doing somewhat ok. He's probably taking this the hardest, aside from her parents". "Uhh, their not even here Fishy. Hello? Don't you remember her parents died a few years ago and she was raised by her uncle as a kid? Jeez, someone's a little rusty on their history" Tuff said. "Oh yeah, never mind then". "They'd be as glad as ever to see their daughter again!" Ruff replied getting an eye roll from both Fishlegs and Snotlout. "We should just give him some space for now" Fishlegs told everyone as they nodded their heads and prepared to go to sleep.
I'm not really tired right now but I do need to be up at eight in the morning tomorrow to see Astrid before she heads up to Valhalla. At least she'll be with her parents. As I was finishing up a late supper, someone knocked on the door. "Son, I need to speak with you" my dad said as I opened the door to see him smiling. "What? Is Astrid ok?! I need to go to Gothi's..." "no no no Hiccup I was just tired of seeing you grumpy all day so I wanted to see a smile on your face". I groaned and closed the door after he came in. "Well that isn't good parenting now is it dad?" I said walking over to the kitchen table and sat down. My dad sat down beside me waiting for someone to speak. "Why are you here dad?" I asked as he sighed. "I came to you to talk about Astrid. I know that everything's not ok, you know that I know that everyone knows that. But it doesn't mean you should loose hope". I looked at the ground and back at my father. I nodded my head at him as he did the same to me. "I know that dad, but we also need to look for Kiara. I know that Camicazi took her and I don't trust this friend of Astrid's names Siv. Tomorrow we'll set out a search and look for her". My dad agreed with me, bid me goodnight and left the house to go to sleep. I did the same.
The next morning the gang me and dad went to see Astrid before her cord would be pulled. Everyone said what they wanted to say and left me until last. I walked up to Astrid who was laying on a bed with a bandage on the side of her face and many other bandages on her side. I kneeled down to her and held her hand. "Astrid, you know I'll never forget you. No one in Berk or existence will ever forget you. They'll remember you with a smile on their face. The beautiful, smart, brave, confident badass girl everyone knows...mostly me. The second I laid eyes on you I knew that we were meant to be. Your everything I could ever hope for and your always in my heart. I love you so much Astrid. So so so much and I always will. More and more each day. No matter where or what happens. You'll always be my first and only love". I sat on the bed and kissed her gently and softly. Some people behind me even shed a few tears. I don't know if I'll ever be the same after this. I stroked her hair and left the room. Five seconds later, we heard someone scream: "fight me you son of a bitch!" We all laughed. "That sounds so much way" I said running into Gothi's seeing Astrid sitting up like she just woke up in the morning on an daily basis. "ASTRID!" I yelled running towards her giving her a huge hug. She hugged back and smiled at me cupping my face. She pulled me in for a kiss and kissed me passionately. Everyone rushed in and saw us. We heard a few 'awww's' and a few 'ewww's'. Once we pulled away I held her hand and turned towards Gothi who was laughing. "What? Gothi, why are you laughing? This is a miracle!". She started writing in the sand and said: "haha! She was more than ok! Well, she definitely was injured but the cut wasn't as deep as you thought at all! She just needed lots of rest since she passed out for a while (lol). Anyways, yeah enjoy you guys". "WHAT?!" We all screamed as my dad threw her stick out the window. Gothi frowned and we all just started laughing. I held Astrid close to me. "You had me worried sick! Where were you yesterday?" I asked. Astrid gasped. "Where's Kiara? Oh no! CAUMACAUSII!"...

That's all for now! I posted this one a lot earlier than I thought I would (lol). Anyways, bye for now!👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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