Chapter 20: Where's Kiara?

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Astrid jumped out off the bed and started running towards the door before Stoick stopped her. "Let go of me! My baby daughter was kidnaped and is now out in Thor knows where with a Bitchy thief!" Astrid yelled fighting with all her might to get out of Gothi's hut. "Astrid calm down!" Stoick said as Astrid sat down in a chair so tired. He kneeled down to face her. "She's my granddaughter too, and I'm as worried as you are. But we don't even know where they are right now" "and we need to figure out where they are first" Hiccup responded. Astrid took a deep breath and sat on the bed where Hiccup was siting. Everyone left the room and bid them goodnight since they were talking with Astrid until ten at night, believe it or not. Gothi even took off and went outside for a little before Hiccup took Astrid back to their house. While Hiccup was in the washroom he heard Astrid crying which he never heard very often. He finished up quickly and saw Astrid sitting in bed very upset. Hiccup walked over and sat on the bed with him wrapping her up in his arms. "Hey hey it's gonna be alright". Astrid gave him the look. "Actually, your right I shouldn't say that. I don't like people telling me that either. The point is, tomorrow we're gonna search high and low for Kiara. We won't rest until we find her, I promise you that Astrid". Astrid smiled at him and kissed his lips. They were making out for a while until they decided to head off to bed. "Goodnight Astrid. I love you". Astrid blushed and kissed his cheek. "I love you too Hiccup".
The next morning everyone woke up bright and early to find Kiara. The whole gang went with Hiccup and Astrid. Stoick had to stay back and do some Cheifing while they were gone but wished them good luck before they were off.
They were searching for a few hours now and Astrid and Hiccup were getting angry and upset. "Oh my THOR!! WHERE IS SHE?!" Astrid yelled frustrated as ever. Hiccup was trying to keep it calm but was extremely worried on the inside. Astrid moved her head on every direction trying to look for an island close by. She collapsed onto Stormfly and hid her face to cry silently. "Wait a Astrid...CRYING?" Tuff said surprised as ever. "This is insane! I've only seen her cry when we thought Stormfly was gonna die!" Astrid turned to Tuff with tears strolling down her face. "I'm worried about my daughter. Alright?! You'll know what that feels like when or if your ever gonna be a father! As a parent you worry about your kids, and mine was taken away from me and me and Hiccup have no idea where she is! I just want her to b-be s-sa-safe that's all" Astrid said before putting her face into her hands and cried into them. Everyone all of a sudden but on a concerned and sad face before looking at Hiccup then back at Astrid. Toothless flew closer to Astrid and let Hiccup talk. "Astrid..." "Hiccup, if you flew down to say what I think your gonna say you might as well forget it". Hiccup looked down at Toothless and then back at Astrid. "She's my daughter too you know Astrid, I'm the one who got you pregnant so I also have a say in this as the father. I'm trying to hold it together too Astrid, but the truth is I'm scared. I'm so scared. I have no idea if Kiara's ok, but we have to hope and have faith that she's doing just fine". Once Hiccup finished Astrid smiled at him and wiped away her tears. "Yeah, I now know that" Hiccup and Astrid smiled at each other. "Look, down there!" Fishlegs yelled breaking the silence as everyone looked down to see an island. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Astrid said as everyone dived down to the island and landed in an open area. "It's quiet here. Too quiet" Ruff and Tuff said. "I know it is Tuff and Ruff. Wait, what's that? Over there? Let's check it out gang!" Hiccup said as he and the gang flew to this ship beside this small house that wouldn't fit much people. "K guys, everyone stay here for backup. Me and Astrid'll investigate". Everyone nodded and took their place. Hiccup opened the door. He got his dragon blade ready and Astrid held her axe in her hands ready to fight. Once the dragon blade lit up, they saw Camicazi and Siv sleeping on two separate beds. "SIV?! I knew it!" Hiccup said quietly. Astrid rolled her eyes. "Yes, ok you were right now where's Kiara?" Astrid said looking over to her left to see a small crib. Astrid and Hiccup walked up to it and saw their daughter laying inside. They both smiled and Kiara put a big grin on her face while reaching her hands out to her mother. Astrid lift up her daughter. "Hi Kiara! Mommy's so happy to see you". Hiccup put his arm around Astrid and Astrid put Kiara into his arms. "I think I forgot how beautiful you were already". Hiccstrid chuckled and Hiccup kissed his daughters forehead. He handed her back to Astrid. "Well, what are we gonna do about them?" Hiccup asked. All of a sudden they heard someone move behind them. "Well that's obvious. Just give me back the ba...ASTRID?! You're still alive?!" Camicazi said shocked and startled. "Well, you didn't really stab me as far as you thought hon" Astrid said with some aditude thrown in. Siv was in the background still sleeping as Hiccup made some fists with his empty hand. Camicazi grabbed a gronckle iron sword and prepared to fight. "Hiccup take Kiara I'll do this." "No Astrid, I wanna fight her this time". She nodded her head and ran out to get Stormfly and the gang. "Oh come on! Hiccup I'm not gonna fight you" Camicazi said. "After you nearly killed the love of my life twice or maybe even more, I'm going to and I hope this'll end bad" he said running towards Caumacausii sword fighting with his arch enemy. Astrid after a half hour started fighting with Siv and Astrid took all her anger out on her as she could, and same as Hiccup. She put Kiara in Fishlegs hands until they were done. Another half hour past and Camicazi was getting weaker and weaker. "Please stop Hiccup! I don't want to hurt you!" She said as Hiccup stepped back. "YOU ALREADY HAVE!" He yelled and charged at Camicazi with all his might. "You almost killed Astrid twice as much as I've heard so far, you took my own daughter away, was a bully to my friends in the past and doing so you've hurt me as much as you've hurt them!" Hiccup said with his sword up against Camicazi's. "Well what did you expect me to do?! I knew you'd never feel the same way about me that I feel for you so I thought if you lost most of your lost ones you'd have no choice but to marry someone else!" Camicazi said as Hiccup screamed fighting in a faster pace against her. "Even if you did I wouldn't have done that that easily! You really think that I would just forget about my own loved ones?!". "YES!" Camicazi screamed as Hiccup gave no hesitation to go insane. Five minutes later, the fight was done. Hiccup had killed Camicazi and was laying on the floor with blood steaming out of her neck. It was disturbing to look at so Astrid and Hiccup got out of that hut as soon as possible. (After seeing Camicazi dead on the ground, Siv committed suicide about a few days later). Hiccup walked out of the hut with Astrid's hand in his. "Is she?" Fishlegs asked as hiccstrid nodded their head. Everyone was silent for a few minutes before going crazy happy. They all just started dancing except for Fishlegs. Astrid laughed while Hiccup took Astrid's other hand into his and faced her towards him. "You happy she's gone?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Very" She said before pulling his head closer to hers and parked his lips on hers as well. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck. The kiss went on for about half a minute before pulling away and smiling at each other while starting into their eyes. They headed back to Berk thirty minutes after and we're so excited to tell Stoick and the others the great news...

That's all for now! I'll post the next chapter soon! Im thinking of ending this story soon too. We'll see. Anyways, bye for now guys!!👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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