Chapter 21: This Is Great!

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After everyone got back to Berk, Hiccup and Astrid went to Stoick the second they landed with Kiara in Hiccup's arms. "Oh thank Odin she's safe". Hiccup placed her in his fathers hands and smiled. "You know what, you two go spend some time with your friends. You haven't been around your friends too much lately. I'll babysit her while your gone. Have the day to yourselves, I'll drop her off at your place tomorrow morning before I go to some meetings". Astrid hugged Stoick which shocked him and Hiccup a lot since Astrid has never hugged Hiccup's father before. Hiccup slowly started hugging his dad too and thanked him before running off with Astrid's hand in his to the dragon academy.
The gang was at the academy with their dragons not doing much. They were just talking about Hiccup and Astrid not being with them as much anymore. "We'll hold on guys, they have a baby now. They'll take time out of their schedule for us, it's Hiccup and Astrid!" Fishlegs explained. "I just wish that a miracle would happen. Like them spending the day with us like old times. Just one day would work" Ruff said before they all heard footsteps coming from outside the academy. "Anyone ready for some adventure?" "HICCUP!" Everyone yelled running towards both of them to greet them with a large hug. "Dads taking care of Kiara for the day so we're off the hook today and wanted to spend some time with you guys" Hiccup said. "Thank you Loki" Ruff and Tuff said looking up at the sky while everyone started laughing.
It was pretty early in the morning so they had almost the whole day ahead of them. They visited dragon island, and berserker island to see what was going on with Heather, Dagur and Mala. They were there for a few short hours to ketch up. After supper, they all flew back to Berk. It wasn't as late as they thought when they got back. It was only after nine o'clock. Hiccup and Astrid entered their house and Hiccup started walking around the house. "Astrid, look so you see that?" He circled around the room some more. "What?" She asked as he smiled and walked towards her. "We're all alone, in an empty house" Hiccup replied wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer. Their bodies were touching and they felt like they were colliding into one person. Astrid's hands were on her boyfriends chest and his hands were still on her waist. "I know babe, but I'm really tired from all the travelling today and I just..." Astrid said before Hiccup started kissing her neck. Astrid just started let out a sigh and sunk into it. "Ahh, alright. Its not like I have anything going on tomorrow or anything" she said before she was pulled onto the couch. She was on top of him and making out with him as she played with his hair. He was replacing his hands all around her body. Sliding from her waist, up to her hair. But I'm not gonna get too far into it.
The next day, Stoick went to his meeting after dropping his granddaughter off at his sons house.
Hiccup put Kiara to sleep for her nap in the afternoon a few hours later and him and Astrid just stared at each other's eyes. "We did it. Camicazi's gone, Siv's gone, Kiara's safe and so is everyone else. What now?" Astrid said...

That's all for now! Well, this stories starting to come to an end. On Instagram I might start some stories as well, for people who don't have wattpad. Well, the next chapter will be out soon! See ya!👋👋👋👋👋

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