Chapter 13: Astrid's 20th Birthday

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(Hiccup's Birthday already happened but nothing exited really happened on his birthday and I'm more exited to write about Astrid's instead, just to let you guys know. Well...let's get to the story then, shall we)

I'm now twenty years old and ready to make Astrid's twentieth the best birthday yet. I never ended up regretting that night me and Astrid made love last month. It was amazing, and because it was amazing we decided to do it another time two days ago. We both aren't planning to do it again for a while, but since it was amazing the first time, we wanted to do it one last time before her birthday. Anyways, today is Astrid's birthday and me and the gang are almost all done with decorating the clubhouse for her surprise party. Siv is planning on stopping by sometime today but doesn't know that it's Astrid's birthday yet. "Fishlegs, did you finish making her favourite cake?" I asked him. "Yep! Red velvet. And it turned out better than I thought". Snotlout scoffed. "What" Fishlegs said sternly at Snotlout. "Chocolate is her favourite fishface. I thought you'd be smart enough to remember that". "I don't think so Snotlout. Hiccup told me that her favourite is red velvet, not chocolate". "No, I don't think it is!" "Yes it is! She likes chocolate, but she loves red velvet!". "Sshhh! Guys! Your gonna wake her up! She does like chocolate Snotlout but red velvet is her favourite, ok? Now we still have a half an hour until I half to wake her up and I expect that you two can be respectful enough to let her sleep until then" I said as quiet as I could. "Hey, you guys planning a funeral in here or something?" I heard someone say as I turned around to see Siv. "Oh hey Siv. How's it going?" "Pretty good. Do you guys know where Astrid is? I need to talk to her". I took a glance at Astrid's hut just to make sure that she wouldn't walk out and see all our preparations. "Well, she's still sleeping. We're planning to wake her up once we're done getting ready for her party". She put on a weird shocked face. "Wait, it's her birthday today?!" I looked at her and nodded my head. "Oh. Ok then, I guys I could tell her tomorrow then". "What, what were you gonna tell her?" I asked as she smirked at me in a weird way that made me uncomfortable. "It's personally none of your business". I shrugged my shoulders. "Ok gang, we all ready?". Everyone gave me a thumbs up and at that I walked up to her hut to wake her up. She looked so pretty when she sleeps. I rubbed her back a little before she opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Good morning m'lady. Happy Birthday". She got up and hugged me tight. "Thank you Hiccup" she said as she stood up and fell down. "Astrid!". I caught her just before she'd be able to passed out. She looked at me and was still smiling. "Are you feeling ok?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know why that happened. But last night I was getting a few painful cramps for some reason". I lift her up into my arms and let her stand back up. "We'll just see how your doing this morning and if it gets worse, we'll get you back in here for some rest". And just like that, she nodded her head and came down to the clubhouse where her surprise party was. Once we got in front of the door, the gang jumped out of their hiding place and released balloons into the air. "Happy Birthday Astrid!" They all yelled as I saw a glowing smile spread across her face. "Oh my Thor! Thanks you guys! Oh my gosh, Who was behind all of this?!" Everyone stared at me before Astrid turned to me and kissed me. I kissed her back and put my arms around her back while she wrapped her warms around my neck. As she pulled away she looked me in the eyes and put one of her hands on my cheek. "Thanks Hiccup, for giving me the best birthday ever". I smiled and put my hand on her hand that was on my cheek. Snotlout rolled his eyes. "Get a room!" He yelled as we gave him a serious face. "What? You two made it awkward all on you own". Everyone laughed as we spent the rest of the time having the best time ever...until Astrid started getting sick. She had thrown up a couple times before I finally sent her to bed for the night. Three days later she was still throwing up so I decided to send a terrormail to Gothi. "Astrid don't worry. Gothi's on her way over to check you out". She arrived at the edge around the time we were planning to have supper. She only wanted Astrid, no one else was allowed to come into Astrid's hut while Gothi was helping Astrid get better. I let go of her hand which I was holding onto for the whole time we were waiting for Gothi.

I sat on my bed while Gothi closed the door to my hut. Thank Thor I could read her writing. Gothi put some sand on the ground and started writing to me. She said: "what's been going on in your sickness?". "Gothi, for a few days I haven't been feeling very well. First I nearly passed out, then I started throwing up a lot and I'm not sure what's causing it. I don't feel how I usually feel with a cold but could you maybe do some tests or something to make sure?". She nodded her head and did a few tests. After the tests, she started smirking at me. She wrote in the sand to tell me what was wrong. Oh my god. OH MY GOD! I thought to myself as I read what she wrote: "your pregnant"...

Told you guys that there would be drama!😂 Anyways, for anyone that lives in Canada...happy Canada Day! Finally July 1st! I'll write the next chapter later! See ya! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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