Chapter 5: The End Of Astrid?

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Gothi and Fishlegs got to the edge not long after I started loosing hope. Astrid didn't wake up at all after someone murdered her. I started worrying about her too much and I was desperate for answers. Gothi cleaned all the blood off of Astrid and put almost half of her body in bandages. Gothi started writing in the sand. "What's she saying Fishlegs" I asked him since he was the only person on the edge that could understand her. "She says that Astrid's in a coma, but she doesn't have much hope for her to wake up". I felt a crack somewhere in my heart. Just hearing him say that she might never wake up is a nightmare on its own. I nodded my head and walked into Astrid's hut were she was. She was laying on her bed with many bandages. I walked over to her and sat down next to her. "Hey Astrid. I hope you'll wake up soon, or at least wake up. I don't know what I'd do without you. You know that, I know that. Just...just please come back...for me". I pulled the blankets overtop of her more then I left her hut with my eyes closed and a sad expression on my face. "It's gonna be ok Hiccup. Don't you worry" Fishlegs said before I lift my head up looking confused and mad. "How do you know that, how does anyone in this archipelago know that Astrid Hofferson will be ok?!". I ran to my hut not looking back at the gang. It was late in the night so I just went to bed.

In the morning, I woke up to Fishlegs yelling my name in my hut. "FISHLEGS!" I yelled since he scared the living gods outta me. "Oh sorry Hiccup, but I have some news for you" he said. He didn't seem exited so I figured this had to do with Astrid. "It's Astrid isn't it" I said as I figured she must not have made it. "Oh? Oh no, it's Stoick. He's here to see you ( HA! I got you guys!:D). Thank Thor. But why was dad here in the first place? I ran to the docs where my father was. "Hiccup! I've been meaning to speak with private". "Alright dad, but who's acting chief at Berk?" I asked him. "Oh, Gobber's doing that. I knew you wouldn't since I came to see you about what's been going on". My expression turned from confused to sad in about 2 seconds. I looked at the ground. "So how did this all start out Hiccup?". "The murder or the fight?" "Both" my father said. "Remember the notes from Camicazi?" I asked him. His facial expression showed everything he was thinking. I knew from the way he looked at me he knew how this must have started. "Oh Hiccup. I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't know that keeping the letters would..." "It's fine dad, I didn't even know that I'd end up with Astrid anyway. But she said some things to me, I then said something to her that I didn't mean to say and we ended up not talking for two weeks". Dad looked down at me while I was trying to avoid eye contact. "Hiccup, you two WILL make up. I'd be surprised if you didn't seeing as how much you both love each other. I've never seen anything like it our of all the years I've been alive". I gave him a faint smile then slowly turned my head downwards and looked at the ground again. "Wait a minute" dad said to me. He turned me around by force. "Son, are you thinking that this, is your fault? Are you seriously thinking that this is your fault!" I tried to put on a convincing face. "What? No...oh alright, yes I am. I wasn't there to protect her, and if more damage was done..." "HICCUP. Don't you think for one second that this is your fault. Astrid's a warrior, and she fought off against whoever did this. You didn't know what was going on either. This also has nothing to do with your fight with her. She wouldn't have turned down your help. But I don't want you thinking this is your fault". I took a deep breath and nodded my head at my father as he did the same.

After two to three days, Astrid still never woke up. I lost more hope each day in losing her. I never thought that this would actually happen to her. She's a warrior as my father said. I walked into her hut on the third day after she started her coma. The sun was setting as the day was almost over. Once I walked into her hut, I sat on a chair next to her bed where she was laying. "Hey Astrid. It's Hiccup. I'm starting to lose hope, but I know you can fight this. Your strong, beautiful and brace and I know you can move past this. I can't imagine my life without you in it". I kissed her forehead and started heading towards the door. But I heard something as I was walking towards the door. "Hiccup?" I turned around and couldn't believe what I saw...

Thats all for now! I'm evil with all these cliffhangers:D. I'll write what Hiccup saw and what happened in the next chapter soon. Stay tuned! Bye👋👋👋

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