Chapter 10: The Risky Escape

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Well, this was the hardest thing someone's ever asked me. "Umm, so this is only a one option thing? Or..." "NO HICCUP!" Caumacausii said yelling at me, trying to calm down afterwards by taking a loud deep breath. I gave her a stern look. "Camicazi, your already thinking of killing someone that means the world to me already, there's really nothing else you could say or do to make this worse". She glared at me and there was a small silence. "What I mean to say, is that this is a TWO choice decision Hiccup. Number one option: You take me as your wife and I let her go unharmed. The second option would be if you don't say yes to marrying me. Then I ruin your life, by destroying hers". After she finished speaking, Camicazi held the axe closer to Astrid's neck which made Astrid gasp. That was definitely one thing that I just hated hearing. I was just about ready to give in, until I saw someone who I forgot was with me. I smiled and looked back at Camicazi. "Well, I cant let you hurt Astrid, and I won't let you. So...TOOTHLESS NOW!" I yelled as Toothless jumped from behind Camicazi and knocked her and Astrid off of Stormfly. But before Camicazi went running from Toothless's plasma-blasts, she took the axe and made a deep cut into Astrid's arm. "ASTRID!" I yelled before Camicazi ran off and dropped Astrid's axe. I ran over to her and found her laying on the floor, unconscious. She must have past out from the flow of blood coming from her arm. It wasn't as much blood compared to the near death experience she had a little while ago. I carried her onto Toothless as we flew back to Berk, with Astrid in my arms the whole way back. Once we got to Berk, I jumped off of Toothless with Astrid still past out in my arms. The rest of the gang rushed over to me asking so many questions of what happened and eventually, they started crowding me. "CALM DOWN! GIVE HIM SOME SPACE!" I heard my father yell as everyone made me some room to show and tell my father what happened. He looked devastated when he saw the large cut in her arm. "Camicazi" he whispered into his beard. I heard him and nodded my head. "Dad Where's Gothi".

I waited outside Gothi's hut for an hour until she came out and started writing in the sand. "What's she saying Gobber?" I asked. "She's saying that the injury wasn't too serious. She's broken her arm and won't be using it for two weeks straight. She'll need some help doing her everyday routine and won't be getting the cast she has on now off until the right time has come for it to be removed". I was so thankful it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. "I'll help her until the cast comes off" I told them as Gothi nodded her head at me and started writing the sand again. "She's now saying that Astrid is unconscious and will wake up in about an hour". I nodded my head and waited for Astrid to wake up.
I took her into her house and placed her on her bed when her parents were out in the Great Hall. In an hour, she woke up and looked confused. "Astrid! Thank Thor" I said pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back, until knelt down, whispering ow into her chest. "What happened to me? Where am I? The last place I remember being is at the cove where...Camicazi!" She yelled upset. I tried getting her to lay on her bed. "Astrid, she's not here, or in Berk. She ran off after seeing Toothless behind her". Astrid scoffed. "And after she did THIS" she said pointing at her broken arm. "Astrid, you only need to wear it for two weeks, it's not the end of the world. "I know that, but I'm still confused on how she found me, or knew I was there". "Maybe she heard us, or stalked us last night. But the best thing is that right now, she's gone and we can enjoy that. You do need someone to help you with your everyday things for the next two weeks though". "Are you kidding me?! I can do these things on my own". She tried picking up her wooded cup beside her bed but she struggled a lot. She started lifting it off the table before she made a grunt of pain. "Ok, Astrid I need to take care of you for a while. If you can't hold up a cup, you won't be able to even hold up your axe!" I said to her. She looked at the floor for a few seconds before speaking again. "...ugh! Fine. But only until I get better. Cause I'm totally capable of doing these things by myself". "Not right now you can't" I said smiling at her and walking closer to her when she stood up. She stared at me and I stared at her from about four to five feet away from one another. I broke the silence by quickly walking over to her and putting one hand on her hip and the other on her cheek as I kissed her firmly. She reacted right away and kissed me back with passion. I knew we couldn't get outta hand because of her injury so we just stood there moving our arms into each other's hair, down our backs, shoulders and hips. We sat down on her bed and continued making out.

I was watching Hiccup and Astrid from afar as they were putting their tongues into each other's mouths. GROSS! I hated seeing Hiccup with another girl but I was running low with ideas. "How about I meet up with an old friend of mine that the dragon riders know pretty well already" I said to myself. "I don't think they know right now how much danger is actually coming their way in a few short days"...

That's all for now! This chapters a little longer than I thought I was gonna make it but I was bored so why not😂. I'm SO exited for the httyd3 trailer on Thursday! Only three more days left!! I can't wait much longer!! I'll write later! Bye for now!👋👋👋

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