page : five

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t o n i g h t  me and
you in the  e n d   of
the long   d e s t i n y  ,
leaving together with
this night.

you're r e a d y to leave
me (you're  r e a d y  to
leave me.) the morning
without you will come,
when tonight  e n d s .

last day by btob

"hyung, i thought we'll grow old together, as the whole group, the thirteen of us but why?" seokmin asked.

a pained expression written across his face rather than his usual bright eyes and goofy smile.

"do you want to rest hyung? can't you open your eyes for more?" he added.

"if you're tired," he heave a sigh and blink his tears away.

"if you happen to leave right this moment." he hang his head low.

"we'll respect your decision, we'll always do, we'll always remember you no matter what, you will always have a place in our heart and memory."

after calming a little, seokmin walked out of the room and lightly pat the shoulder of his crying best friend seungkwan before taking a seat beside his boyfriend, jisoo.

the older flashed him a comforting smile, as if saying that everything have a reason, that everything's gonna be fine.

the younger returned the smile, internally heaving a sigh.

the eleven members had talked to the composer, except the guy. soonyoung.

sighing, the choreographer give a look to their leader, as if telling him that they can go ahead without him.

slightly getting what the younger wanted to say, seungcheol face the others and force a smile to them.

"come on kids,let's head back to the dorm, it's already getting late, you skip eat lunch earlier and it's past six now," suggested by the leader who turned to face soonyoung.

"follow us after and give us update, hm?" seungcheol then, softly pat soonyoung's shoulder.

the members agreed, aware that the others are exhausted and is pretty wasted.

soonyoung nod.

"see you at the dorm." jun pat soonyoung's shoulder before smiling a little

he nodded and bid 'goodbye' to the others.

with a sigh, he turned and face the door of jihoon's room.

with a small yet heavy step, he step towards the door and enter.

"hey, hoon." started soonyoung as soon as he entered the room.

silence is what welcomes him.

in front of him was his boyfriend, lying in the bed, apparatus on his body.

he looks pale and thin than the usual.

though he's fast asleep, dark circles were visible beneath his eyes.

last composition // 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓷.Where stories live. Discover now