page : eight

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as I walked d o w n
the s t r e e t, I heard
that familiar s o n g,
it m a k e s me think
of those t i m e s we
u s e d to listen to it
t o g e t h e r.

tears by davichi

03:17 , wednesday
2nd day of december.

this is it.

i stare at the same building in front of me.

'pledis entertainment.' i silently read before walking inside.

the inside is still the same, seeing the company brings old memories to me.

a slight yet genuine smile crept on my lips.

i remember the day where i went to the company earlier than what i had intended to.

i was alone during that time but then a hand find their way to my waist and pull me closer, i was about to scream until a voice prevent me from doing so, it was him.

it was soonyoung.

i unknowingly smile at the old yet sweet memory before making my way to our old practice room only to be greeted by a very familiar person.

there sat one of the person i trust the most, an undeniably lovable, optimistic, loud yet full of determination younger friend of mine.


back leaning against the cold mirror of the practice room as he hugged his knees closer to his chest, resting his chin on the top above.

a smile crept on my lips at the sight of him.

i missed this kid, so much.

i walked towards him but my heart breaks after seeing his bloodshot and puffy eyes.

has he been crying all day? he looks exhausted, sad, he looks so broken.

"seokmin." i called, clearly aware that he wouldn't hear nor see me.

i'm nothing but a soul who is lost and didn't know where to go or what to do.

i kneel down to his level and with a slightly trembling hands, i tried wiping away the tears falling from his eyes but I couldn't, my hand could only passed through him.

"i miss you hyung, we miss you." his voice cracks. they sounded hoarse and raspy.

i wanted to tell him that i missed them too but he wouldn't hear me.

like a muted weak wind, cannot be heard, cannot be seen and can barely be felt.

and it hurts, it hurts knowing the fact that he's here, right in front of me, crying and breaking down but all i can do is to watch him, i can't even comfort him.

i wanted to assure them that everything's gonna be fine but i'm clearly aware that nothing is fine.

everything went wrong.

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