page : twenty four

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when today passes,
you will disappear
like d u s t – what is
love? if i look s a d ,
my  t e a r s  are like
smoke, like dancing
s m o k e.

love dust by big bang

08:18, thursday
24th day of december

twenty fourth of december, it was the exact day the members will return home.

the first to arrived was chan, the youngest.

he arrived at six in the morning.

fortunately, soonyoung woke up early and cooked breakfast for them.

"so, tell me chan,"

last night, before jihoon fallen asleep, he asked the older about the word he never say to anyone.

since the older didn't have any ideas, he decided to ask the members about it.

"hyung?" asked chan.

"do you have any idea about," soonyoung trailed off, he didn't have any ideas how to ask the question.

"about what hyung?" asked chan.

"well, the word that, uhm, jihoon never said when he still alive."

it took him some time before he asked the question.

"jihoon hyung? i don't know, maybe, you're crazy or you're great? you did great? you are something?" replied the younger, unsure.

and as if on cue, jihoon arrived at the room.

the older secretly smiles at him, mouthing him a 'good morning.'

"wait, that's not it, i heard him saying those to you hyung." chan continued.

"but hyung, why did you asked though?"

soonyoung stared at jihoon, asking if he should inform chan about his presence

the younger seems to get his point since he nod.

soonyoung didn't expect jihoon would agree but he was glad he did.

"chan, listen up, i got something to tell."

the youngest raised a brow, curious.

"what is it hyung?" asked chan.

"jihoon," he trailed off. "is actually here." he continued.

chan's eyes widened in surprised.

"hyung, you're not joking right now, are you?" chan asked.

"i'm not, i'm telling you this so you can help out, jihoon is right beside you, i don't know but only i, can see him." explained the black haired.

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