page : twenty

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at the   e n d   of a
t i r i n g  day, the
small words, good
job, will make you

r e m e m b e r this
pi c t u r e s q u e

day in the future,
it w i l l become a
m e m o r y.

- healing by seventeen

20:18, saturday
19th day of december.

three days of straight practices had passed and finally, they were given rest day.

it's already eight in the evening, the group gathered at the living room.

seungkwan, chan, jeonghan, wonwoo and minghao were mostly slacking off.

the other members sat on the floor, bags of chips were scattered on the table, popcorns and canned soft drinks on the side.

"what to watch?" asked seungcheol.

"any suggestions? guys?" jisoo continued.

"drama's." replied seungkwan as if it's a must.

"what kind of drama though?" asked jeonghan.

"anything will do." replied seokmin.

seungcheol searched through the shelves, randomly grabbed something to watch and went back to his seat.

the group ended up watching the movie 'hachiko' which is certainly not a korean drama but it will still do.

the atmosphere ends up becoming a bit emotional.

seungkwan can't help but feel sad for the dog who died while waiting for owner to comeback.

tears accidentally fall from his eyes without knowing, some members were feeling the same way.

after the movie 'hachiko' come to it's end, the adrenaline remained when the movie 'romeo and juliet' follows.

it ended with what seems to be a blink of an eye though the others were sniffing at that time.

the living room was soon filled by high pitch scream from the others when the famous 'conjuring' started playing.

"holy cow!"


"language." reminded jisoo.

"mother! that movie is killing me! i swear, i'm gonna kill you both edeu and loraineu." seungkwan rolled his eyes.

laughters from the others followed.

"my, the accent is too much." jisoo joked. referring to seungkwan's pronunciation.

"woah! that surprised me." seokmin heave breathe.

"damn, i might have a heart attack because of this, gosh." seungkwan sassed.

"chill, it's just a movie kwan." hansol smile, fighting the urge to laugh at the cuteness of his boyfriend.

"yeah sure, except that you don't have any heart disease." sassed wonwoo, referring to seungkwan.

the others burst out laughing.

"it's at your back!" chan jumped on his seat.

"it's at your back." minghao mumbled on his seat."and why are they so carefree?" he complained with a pout.

junhui turned to his back and chuckles at his cute boyfriend.

"just die, will you?" wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows. as expected from someone like him, a savage remark.

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