page : twelve

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as usual t i m e
flows and gravity
keeps pulling me
d o w n but if i’m
with you, nothing
b e t t e r, nothing

mup by ikon

6:17, friday
4th day of december.

jihoon woke up after hearing a loud familiar ringtone.

groaning, he rolled to his side, standing up to turned it off.

rubbing his eyes, he stare at the older who is sleeping soundly at his own bed.

last night, soonyoung brought him to their new dorm. unlike the old one, their current dorm is a little bit fancy.

with it's white marbled floor, a spacious living room, seven large rooms, a big dining room and three large bathrooms. in total, it seems like a luxurious condominium unit.

as expected, seungcheol and jeonghan shared a room. w

onwoo and mingyu, jisoo and seokmin, seungkwan and hansol.

and last but not the least, myungho and junhui.

while both soonyoung and chan  have a room of their own.

jihoon sat in the bed, playing with the strand of the latter's hair.

"since when did you dyed your hair black? the last time i remember, it was red and it's during the clap era." the black haired composer mumbled.

"soonyoung." he called out, waking the guy up."it's already morning, wake up now." he continued, lightly shaking the guy.

"guys! the breakfast's ready! wake up now!" called jeonghan's voice from dining room.

"did you hear that? wake up now." jihoon pokes the older on his cheeks, attempting to wake him up.

but to no avail, he only shifts into a new sleeping position.

"kwon soonyoung, i'm counting." he pouts, crossing his arms and standing up.

chuckling softly, the older turned to his side, facing the younger.

"is my baby mad at me?" he smiled.

jihoon pouted.

"come here." soonyoung sat up and spread his arms, motioning the younger to go, hug him.

jihoon obliged, going towards the older and hugging him tight.

"this is the best morning for me, waking up and seeing you early in the morning with a pout." he chuckled, sniffling the hair of the younger that smelled sweet like the vanilla.

"your scent's so sweet, like some sort of a vanilla flavored cake." he blurted out that didn't go unheard to the younger, making him flustered at the sudden compliment early in the morning.

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